Donate to the IAU

Support astronomy and its contribution to societal change

Astronomy inspires curiosity and wonder, which can foster in children a lifelong interest in science and motivate researchers to address the Universe’s greatest questions. In the past few years, communities around the world have faced continuing challenges as a result of the global pandemic as well as social injustices. Collectively, however, we have demonstrated our resilience and innovation as we continue to advance the field of astronomy and its positive impact on society. The long-anticipated launch of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) pushes the boundaries of technology and will further stimulate astronomy and the public imagination.

“For over a century IAU’s members have worked tirelessly to protect and safeguard astronomy, with the night skies driving curiosity for current and future generations. Now, more than ever, astronomy has a significant role to play as a catalyst for inspiration to people around the world through education, development, and outreach. Please help us support the global astronomy community by making a donation to continue our vital work.” – Debra Elmegreen, IAU President

Associated Universities Inc. (AUI) and the International Astronomical Union (IAU) have joined forces to support education and engagement efforts for the North American Regional Office of Astronomy for Development and the broader efforts of AUI and the IAU. AUI is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and as such U.S. contributions may be tax deductible. Click here to make your contribution today.

To find out more about the NA ROAD and our programs click here.

The International Astronomical Union is registered in France as a not-for-profit organisation, under 1901 law, to promote and safeguard the science of astronomy in all its aspects, including research, communication, education and development, through international cooperation.

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Donations from Dutch taxpayers are deductible from taxable income in the Netherlands.

Thank you for your support

We are grateful to our members for their generosity which has helped us, so far, support 43 projects targeting 45 countries around the world funded through the IAU’s Office of Astronomy for Development (OAD). Projects include:

Virtual Classroom Under the sky, South America: online sessions to share pedagogical and methodological tools for teaching astronomy. Sessions are available on Youtube (in Spanish).

Online astronomy lessons for students, Ghana: PRAGSAC (Promoting Radio Astronomy in Ghana through School visits and Astronomy Clubs) delivered lessons via Youtube.

Astronomers Without Borders, Nigeria: Astro-Art contest for school children

Astronomy from Archival Data, India and online: training undergraduate and post-graduate students through archival data.

Public engagement remains a cornerstone of astronomy, encouraging members of the public to think critically about science and understand its relevance to everyday life. We also seek funding for initiatives such as Telescopes for All, which provides telescopes to developing communities to help tackle educational disparities. Astronomy plays a unique role in encouraging young people to engage with STEM through the study of the night skies. Led by the IAU’s Office for Astronomy Outreach in partnership with Sterren Schitteren Voor Iedereen (SSVI) and Leiden University, Telescopes for All broadens the horizons of children, adults, and educators while sparking an interest in science and raising awareness for equal opportunities in pursuing careers in astronomy. Each year, applicants are invited to apply via the IAU’s National Outreach Coordinators (NOCs), which typically receives several hundred applications from over 80 countries. We are seeking to fund 20 telescopes in 2022, at an average cost of 350 Euros per telescope.

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In accordance with GDPR and the Data Protection Act, you have the right to access your personal data and request information regarding the respective data processing, and request a copy of the personal data, free of charge.

As a safeguard against abuse, IAU will ask you to provide a proof of identity before providing access to any personal data. If you are not able to provide a proof of identity, IAU reserves the right to refuse to send the personal data.

You may request at any time that IAU corrects the personal data in its record regarding the donation.


Telescopes for All; image credit: SSVI.


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Volume 2024 n° 6

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IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach

Office for Astronomy Outreach

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