ann17042 — Announcement

IAU Astronomy Outreach Newsletter #44 2017 (October 2017 #2)
20 October 2017
Astronomy Outreach Newsletter 2017 #44 (October #2)

The Astronomy Outreach Newsletter 2017 #44 is now online. It is produced by the IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach and brings to the general public the latest information about events and other outreach-related activities around the globe — and beyond. Some highlights of this issue:

  • Gravitational Wave Outreach Materials
  • UNOOSA Call for Interest: Space Missions for Developing Countries
  • #HerschelMoments: Celebrating the Legacy of Herschel Space Observatory



Sze-leung Cheung
IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach
Tel: +81-(0)422-34-3896
Email: [email protected]

About the Announcement



IAU Astronomy Outreach Newsletter #44 2017 (October 2017 #2)