Letters of Intent received in 2022

LoI 2024-2182
Chemodynamical evolution of galaxies across Cosmic Time

Date: 5 August 2024 to 10 August 2024
Category: GA Symposium
Location: Cape Town, Switzerland
Contact: Pascale Jablonka ([email protected])
Coordinating division: Division J Galaxies and Cosmology
Other divisions: Division G Stars and Stellar Physics
Division H Interstellar Matter and Local Universe
Co-Chairs of SOC: Jablonka, P. (EPFL)
Kobayashi, C. (University of Hertfordshire)
Chair of LOC: None (None)



The framework of this symposium is the chemical and dynamical evolution of galaxies, from the first systems (black holes, first stars, first galaxies) to the local universe, in which one look for signatures of the properties of the early universe.

In each of the following section, we will go back and forth between simulations (- are they sufficiently accurate and complete) to observations (- what should we look for)

- First stars

+ Where, when do they form (gas density, halo masses)?
+ Their mass, rotation, and binarity/multiplicity
+ Their nucleosynthesis, their feedback energy

- First Black holes

+ How do they form (direct collapse or stellar origin)?
+ How do they evolve (merger and gas accretion)?
+ The interplay with star formation - is the feedback positive or negative?

- First galaxies

+ Their mass distribution. Can they be precursors of globular clusters ?
+ How quickly and (in) efficiently did they form stars?
+ How much is their instellar medium chemically homogeneous?
+ How can their chemical compositions constrain the nature of the first stars/supernovae?
+ How quickly and homogeneously did their chemical enrichment take place?
+ At which mass do they host black holes?

- Towards the direct observation of the early Universe

+ The galaxy gas content: mass, temperature, density
+ Star formation rates, stellar masses
+ Non thermal activity
+ Chemical compositions (metallicity, elemental abundancs, and isotopic ratios) as a function of galaxy mass/radius
+ When and how galaxies quenched star formation ?

- Towards the observed Local Universe and Galactic Archaeology surveys

+ Where can we find the signatures of the chemical and energetics of the early universe ?
+ Are local dwarf indeed the remnants of the first galaxies ?
+ Can the Galactic bulge host the remnants of the first stars ?



The field of galaxy formation and evolution is entering a revolutionary era, which should allow JWST and SKA to approach the first stages of structure formations in the universe directly: first stars, first black holes, first galaxies, linking them to the epoch of reionization. At the same time, spectroscopic surveys such as WEAVE, 4MOST, MOONS, PFS, and SDSSV will soon provide an unprecedented wealth of data, which will allow a precise chemical and dynamical characterisation of the nearby galaxies. Two fundamental questions are at the heart of this symposium: Do we have sufficiently sophisticated models to predict the observables and identify the nature of the first systems which will be detected? Are we in a position to understand their evolution across cosmic time? This symposium aims at taking up these challenges. It will allow a dialogue between the numerical simulation and observational communities, working in the high-redshift and local universe.

The SOC of this symposium is composed of enthusiastic researchers with expertise which spans the range and variety of topics involved in galaxy formation and evolution.

Amina Helmi (Netherland)
Miho Ishigaki (Japan)
Ralph Klessen (Germany)
Eline Sadler (Australia)
Mpati Ramatsoku (South Africa)
Romain Teyssier (USA)
Marta Volonteri (France)
Manuela Zoccali (Chile)