
From the outside, add +33(0)1.40.51



Name Surname Team/Service Phone Office
Alain Albouy ASD 21.26 506
Aya Alnajjarine ASD 22.76 508
Simon Anghel ACME 22.63 306
Jean-Eudes Arlot PEGASE 22.67 305
Pierre Auclair-Desrotour ASD 22.76 508
Daniel Baguet ASD
Kévin Baillié PEGASE 22.69 303
Sem Bendjeddou Informatic service 22.80 104
Jérôme Berthier ACME 22.61 205
Guy Bertrand ASD 21.26 506
Alexandre Bougakov PEGASE 212
Abed Bounemoura ASD 20.38 511
Gwenaël Boué ASD 20.35 507
Maïder Bugnon Olano Library 21.74 211
Pau Bujons ASD 20.05 509
Alain Chenciner ASD 20.31 502
François Colas ACME 22.66 311
Ariane Courtot PEGASE
Pascale Cuvillier Administration 21.15 310
Ryan Dahoumane PEGASE 22.73 213
Frédéric Dauvergne ASD 20.38 511
Pedro David PEGASE 22.71 304
Florent Deleflie ACME 21.59
Pierre Demonti Ephemerides 21.32 512
Pascal Descamps ACME 22.68 203
Josselin Desmars PEGASE 22.67 305
Baptiste Desoubrie ACME 21.59 201
Julien Dubouil ACME 22.70 311
Mohammad Farhat ASD 20.35 507
Jacques Fejoz ASD 20.31 502
Marc Fouchard PEGASE 23.34
Mickaël Gastineau ASD 20.05 509
Mar Giralt ASD 21.11 510
Yohann Gominet Editions 22.81 209
Daniel Hestroffer PEGASE 22.60 303
Nam Hoang Hoai ASD
Valéry Lainey PEGASE 22.67 305
Raphaël Lallemand PEGASE 22.78 204
Jacques Laskar ASD 21.14 505
Sylvie Lemaître Editions 22.68 203
Baptiste Loire ASD 21.44 504
Herve Manche ASD 20.24 503
Lucie Maquet ACME 21.59 201
Federico Mogavero ASD 23.04 501
Amélie Muslewski Administration 22.79 312
Laurent Niederman ASD 21.11 510
Jonathan Normand Ephemerides 22.81 209
Anne-Charlotte Perlbarg PEGASE
Pierre-Louis Phan ASD 21.87 313
Eliaz Pitavy ASD 20.24 503
Alexandre Prieur ASD 21.32 512
Giulio Quaglia PEGASE 22.73 213
Nicolas Rambaux ASD 22.63 306
Paul Ramond ASD 501
Stéfan Renner PEGASE 23.34
Vincent Robert PEGASE 22.67
Philippe Robutel ASD 21.11 510
Melaine Saillenfest PEGASE 23.34 210
David Sauzin ASD
Patrick Shober PEGASE 307
Matthias Sinnesael ASD
Jiexin Sun ASD 23.04 501
William Thuillot PEGASE 22.62 207
Madalina Trelia ACME
Frédéric Vachier ACME 22.61 205
Stéphane Vaillant Informatic service 23.66 104
Jérémie Vaubaillon PEGASE 22.64 307
Julie Vermersch ASD 21.87 313
Alain Vienne PEGASE +33(0)
Yujing Wu ASD 21.44 504

Guests and affiliates

Name Surname Status Phone Office
Mirel Birlan Affiliate 22.78 204
Slah Boulila Affiliate 23.04 501
Alexandre Correia Affiliate
Jérémy Couturier Affiliate
Auriane Egal Affiliate
Nicolai Emelianov Affiliate
Valentin Etienne Visitor 503
Agnès Fienga Affiliate
Simon Jeanne Affiliate
Maxime Khovritchev Visitor 21.15 310
Alin Nedelcu Affiliate
Aswin Sekhar Affiliate
Guillaume Tochon Affiliate 22.73 213
Dmitrii Vavilov Affiliate
Brigitte Zanda Affiliate