Doctor Who: World Enough and Time (2017)
Season 10, Episode 11
Perhaps a bit disappointing for us older fans but great for the younger generation
24 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Came across as a bit too theatrical. I just can't see how these cloth faced thespians turned into the murderous non feeling silver giants in the Tenth Planet.

I watched their original debut in 1966 and they were terrifying. There was a maturity about the writing which made you believe in the adventure.

This episode was very clever but sometimes lacked the original's drama. Perhaps too many wisecracks when it should have been played straight.

Or perhaps I'm just one if the older fans who can't appreciate how the younger fans feel. Of course there could be time dilatation here too and I'm writing to you from 1966.

To any of you newer fans try and check you the Tenth planet.
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