Trailers are not for fans. They are meant to attract new viewers and to remind "sometimes viewers" that there's a new episode coming soon.
If you're a fan of a series - any series - hit the mute button and close your eyes for 20-30 seconds when a trailer for a future episode or season starts to play. If you're not a fan, and you watch the trailer, it may convince you to watch the show and it doesn't spoil many of the big reveals, shocks or plot twists because you're not familiar enough with the series to even understand most of them. But if you're a fan of the series, and you go ahead and watch the trailers - you've got nobody to blame but yourself for ruining the surprises. Complaining about it afterwards, or deducting a point from your review because YOU went ahead and allowed the surprises to be spoiled is kind of ridiculous.
It will be nice in a few years where all of the TV's are smart enough to know who's a fan of what and perhaps play trailers without any spoilers for "fans" of a series, or maybe swap out the trailer completely for "fans" and instead market a different series to you - one that you're not already a fan of - but for now, we don't have that and you all know what trailers are and how to avoid them - mute the audio and close your eyes.
It's not that hard. I do it all the time - and yes, I can see how a bit of foreknowledge could have diminished ones enjoyment of the latest episode - but, as I managed to avoid any foreknowledge - I greatly enjoyed this episode. I give it a 10 as I do most of Stephen Moffat's finales. There were a few bits of dialog I could have done without - but not enough to diminish my enjoyment of the episode.
There were a couple of reviewers that gave this episode a 4 rating and quoted some plot holes as one of the reasons for their low number. Seriously? Do these people realize that this was part 1 of 2? How can you complain about plot holes halfway through a story? Especially a Stephen Moffat story! He ties up all plot elements better than any other writer I know of. There's no way Moffat is going to give us a lame, unimaginative ending like Lost did. I hope that the 4's come back next week and upgrade their ratings after they see how deftly and cleverly Moffat wraps things up next week.
I can't say any more about the episode without spoiling something, so I'll let my 10 speak for itself and remind Who fans to NOT watch the trailers if they plan to watch the episode!!!
If you're a fan of a series - any series - hit the mute button and close your eyes for 20-30 seconds when a trailer for a future episode or season starts to play. If you're not a fan, and you watch the trailer, it may convince you to watch the show and it doesn't spoil many of the big reveals, shocks or plot twists because you're not familiar enough with the series to even understand most of them. But if you're a fan of the series, and you go ahead and watch the trailers - you've got nobody to blame but yourself for ruining the surprises. Complaining about it afterwards, or deducting a point from your review because YOU went ahead and allowed the surprises to be spoiled is kind of ridiculous.
It will be nice in a few years where all of the TV's are smart enough to know who's a fan of what and perhaps play trailers without any spoilers for "fans" of a series, or maybe swap out the trailer completely for "fans" and instead market a different series to you - one that you're not already a fan of - but for now, we don't have that and you all know what trailers are and how to avoid them - mute the audio and close your eyes.
It's not that hard. I do it all the time - and yes, I can see how a bit of foreknowledge could have diminished ones enjoyment of the latest episode - but, as I managed to avoid any foreknowledge - I greatly enjoyed this episode. I give it a 10 as I do most of Stephen Moffat's finales. There were a few bits of dialog I could have done without - but not enough to diminish my enjoyment of the episode.
There were a couple of reviewers that gave this episode a 4 rating and quoted some plot holes as one of the reasons for their low number. Seriously? Do these people realize that this was part 1 of 2? How can you complain about plot holes halfway through a story? Especially a Stephen Moffat story! He ties up all plot elements better than any other writer I know of. There's no way Moffat is going to give us a lame, unimaginative ending like Lost did. I hope that the 4's come back next week and upgrade their ratings after they see how deftly and cleverly Moffat wraps things up next week.
I can't say any more about the episode without spoiling something, so I'll let my 10 speak for itself and remind Who fans to NOT watch the trailers if they plan to watch the episode!!!