The Mandalorian (TV Series)
Chapter 11: The Heiress (2020)
Titus Welliver: Imperial Captain
Deck Officer : We have them trapped, sir.
Imperial Captain : Trapped them where?
Deck Officer : In the cargo control area.
Imperial Captain : Where?
Deck Officer : In the cargo control area!
[the deck officer and stormtroopers are jettisoned out of the cargo]
Freighter Pilot : Do you copy?
Bo-Katan : I copy. Thanks for packing up all this gear so nicely. Imagine what a division of us can do when we get our hands on what's inside thise shiny little boxes.
Imperial Captain : If you think you're going to escape with those weapons, you are sadly mistaken. Even if you managed to jettison a few of those crates, we will comb the entire area until you are hunted down and killed.
Bo-Katan : Oh, we're not jettisoning anything. We're taking the entire ship.
The Mandalorian : What?
Bo-Katan : Put some tea on. We'll be up in a minute.
Bo-Katan : Where is it?
Imperial Captain : Where's what?
Bo-Katan : The Darksaber. Does he have it?
Imperial Captain : If you're asking, you already know.
Bo-Katan : I'll let you live. But you *will* take me to him.
Imperial Captain : You might let me live, but he won't.
Moff Gideon : What is it, captain?
Imperial Captain : Another pirate hijacking.
Moff Gideon : Were you able to eliminate them?
Imperial Captain : No. We need backup immediately.
Moff Gideon : Are these the same pirates that have attacked our other vessels?
Imperial Captain : They appear to be, sir.
Moff Gideon : How far have they gotten?
Imperial Captain : They've breached the cargo hold and taken everything but the bridge. We require immediate backup.
Moff Gideon : If they've taken that much of the ship, I'm afraid that's no longer an option. You know what to do.
Moff Gideon : Long live the Empire.
Imperial Captain : Long live the Empire.