The Mandalorian (TV Series)
Chapter 13: The Jedi (2020)
Michael Biehn: Lang
Lang : [sees The Child in Mando's hip pocket] What is that thing?
The Mandalorian : I keep it around for luck.
Lang : You're gonna need it where you're headed.
Lang : So, you threw in with the Jedi.
The Mandalorian : Looks that way.
Ahsoka Tano : Your bounty hunter failed. Tell me what I want to know. Where is your master?
Morgan Elsbeth : Kill her.
Lang : Love to.
Lang : [hearing Ahsoka and the magistrate dueling] Who do you think's gonna win? Could be your side... could be my side. I got no quarrel with you, Mandalorian.
The Mandalorian : That's far enough.
Lang : You and I, we're a lot alike. Willing to lay our lives down for the right cause. Which this is not.
[hearing the sounds of fighting stop]
Lang : Sounds like you win.
Lang : State your business.
The Mandalorian : Been tracking for a few days. Looking for a layover.
Lang : Nice armor. You a hunter, then?
The Mandalorian : That's right.
Lang : Guild?
The Mandalorian : Last I checked.