40 CFR Subpart K - Subpart K—State Water Pollution Control Revolving Funds
- § 35.3100 Policy and purpose.
- § 35.3105 Definitions.
- § 35.3110 Fund establishment.
- § 35.3115 Eligible activities of the SRF.
- § 35.3120 Authorized types of assistance.
- § 35.3125 Limitations on SRF assistance.
- § 35.3130 The capitalization grant agreement.
- § 35.3135 Specific capitalization grant agreement requirements.
- § 35.3140 Environmental review requirements.
- § 35.3145 Application of other Federal authorities.
- § 35.3150 Intended Use Plan (IUP).
- § 35.3155 Payments.
- § 35.3160 Cash draw rules.
- § 35.3165 Reports and audits.
- § 35.3170 Corrective action.
- Appendix A to Subpart K of Part 35—Criteria for evaluating a State's proposed NEPA-Like process
Sections 205(m), 501(a) and title VI of the Clean Water Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C. 1285(m), 33 U.S.C. 1361(a), 33 U.S.C. 1381-1387.
55 FR 10178, Mar. 19, 1990, unless otherwise noted.