40 CFR Subpart L - Subpart L—Drinking Water State Revolving Funds
- § 35.3500 Purpose, policy, and applicability.
- § 35.3505 Definitions.
- § 35.3510 Establishment of the DWSRF program.
- § 35.3515 Allotment and withholdings of funds.
- § 35.3520 Systems, projects, and project-related costs eligible for assistance from the Fund.
- § 35.3525 Authorized types of assistance from the Fund.
- § 35.3530 Limitations on uses of the Fund.
- § 35.3535 Authorized set-aside activities.
- § 35.3540 Requirements for funding set-aside activities.
- § 35.3545 Capitalization grant agreement.
- § 35.3550 Specific capitalization grant agreement requirements.
- § 35.3555 Intended Use Plan (IUP).
- § 35.3560 General payment and cash draw rules.
- § 35.3565 Specific cash draw rules for authorized types of assistance from the Fund.
- § 35.3570 Reports and audits.
- § 35.3575 Application of Federal cross-cutting authorities (cross-cutters).
- § 35.3580 Environmental review requirements.
- § 35.3585 Compliance assurance procedures.
- Appendix A to Subpart L of Part 35—Criteria for Evaluating a State's Proposed NEPA-Like Process
Section 1452 of the Safe Drinking Water Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 300j-12.
65 FR 48299, Aug. 7, 2000, unless otherwise noted.