If the Secretary determines that a tribally controlled school is eligible for assistance under this chapter, the eligibility determination shall remain in effect until the determination is revoked by the Secretary, and the requirements of subsection (b) or (c) of section 2504 of this title, if applicable, shall be considered to have been met with respect to such school until the eligibility determination is revoked by the Secretary.
Where appropriate, other tribally controlled schools and representatives of tribally controlled community colleges shall make up members of the evaluation review teams.
In the case of a school which is accredited, evaluations will be conducted at intervals under the terms of accreditation.
Upon completion of the report required under paragraph (1), the recipient of the grant shall send (via first class mail, return receipt requested) a copy of such annual report to the tribal governing body (as defined in section 2012(f) of this title) of the tribally controlled school.
The Secretary shall provide such technical assistance to enable the school and governing body to carry out such remedial actions.