A State may not require under paragraph (1) the enrollment in a managed care entity of an individual who is a qualified medicare beneficiary (as defined in section 1396d(p)(1) of this title) or an individual otherwise eligible for benefits under subchapter XVIII.
A State must permit an individual to choose a managed care entity from not less than two such entities that meet the applicable requirements of this section, and of section 1396b(m) of this title or section 1396d(t) of this title.
The State shall provide for notice to each such individual of the opportunity to terminate (or change) enrollment under such conditions. Such notice shall be provided at least 60 days before each annual enrollment opportunity described in subparagraph (A)(ii)(II).
In carrying out paragraph (1)(A), the State shall establish a method for establishing enrollment priorities in the case of a managed care entity that does not have sufficient capacity to enroll all such individuals seeking enrollment under which individuals already enrolled with the entity are given priority in continuing enrollment with the entity.
Each State, enrollment broker, or managed care entity shall provide all enrollment notices and informational and instructional materials relating to such an entity under this subchapter in a manner and form which may be easily understood by enrollees and potential enrollees of the entity who are eligible for medical assistance under the State plan under this subchapter.
The identity, locations, qualifications, and availability of health care providers that participate with the organization.
The procedures available to an enrollee and a health care provider to challenge or appeal the failure of the organization to cover a service.
All items and services that are available to enrollees under the contract between the State and the organization that are covered either directly or through a method of referral and prior authorization. Each managed care entity that is a primary care case manager shall, upon request, make available to enrollees and potential enrollees in the organization’s service area the information described in clause (iii).
A State, directly or through managed care entities, shall, on or before an individual enrolls with such an entity under this subchapter, inform the enrollee in a written and prominent manner of any benefits to which the enrollee may be entitled to under this subchapter but which are not made available to the enrollee through the entity. Such information shall include information on where and how such enrollees may access benefits not made available to the enrollee through the entity.
Each contract with a managed care entity under section 1396b(m) of this title or under section 1396d(t)(3) of this title shall specify the benefits the provision (or arrangement) for which the entity is responsible.
Any provider of emergency services that does not have in effect a contract with a Medicaid managed care entity that establishes payment amounts for services furnished to a beneficiary enrolled in the entity’s Medicaid managed care plan must accept as payment in full no more than the amounts (less any payments for indirect costs of medical education and direct costs of graduate medical education) that it could collect if the beneficiary received medical assistance under this subchapter other than through enrollment in such an entity. In a State where rates paid to hospitals under the State plan are negotiated by contract and not publicly released, the payment amount applicable under this subparagraph shall be the average contract rate that would apply under the State plan for general acute care hospitals or the average contract rate that would apply under such plan for tertiary hospitals.
Subject to subparagraphs (B) and (C), under a contract under section 1396b(m) of this title a medicaid managed care organization (in relation to an individual enrolled under the contract) shall not prohibit or otherwise restrict a covered health care professional (as defined in subparagraph (D)) from advising such an individual who is a patient of the professional about the health status of the individual or medical care or treatment for the individual’s condition or disease, regardless of whether benefits for such care or treatment are provided under the contract, if the professional is acting within the lawful scope of practice.
For purposes of this paragraph, the term “health care professional” means a physician (as defined in section 1395x(r) of this title) or other health care professional if coverage for the professional’s services is provided under the contract referred to in subparagraph (A) for the services of the professional. Such term includes a podiatrist, optometrist, chiropractor, psychologist, dentist, physician assistant, physical or occupational therapist and therapy assistant, speech-language pathologist, audiologist, registered or licensed practical nurse (including nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist, certified registered nurse anesthetist, and certified nurse-midwife), licensed certified social worker, registered respiratory therapist, and certified respiratory therapy technician.
Each medicaid managed care organization shall establish an internal grievance procedure under which an enrollee who is eligible for medical assistance under the State plan under this subchapter, or a provider on behalf of such an enrollee, may challenge the denial of coverage of or payment for such assistance.
A medicaid managed care organization shall not discriminate with respect to participation, reimbursement, or indemnification as to any provider who is acting within the scope of the provider’s license or certification under applicable State law, solely on the basis of such license or certification. This paragraph shall not be construed to prohibit an organization from including providers only to the extent necessary to meet the needs of the organization’s enrollees or from establishing any measure designed to maintain quality and control costs consistent with the responsibilities of the organization.
Each medicaid managed care organization shall comply with the requirements of subpart 2 of part A of title XXVII of the Public Health Service Act 1 insofar as such requirements apply and are effective with respect to a health insurance issuer that offers group health insurance coverage. In applying the previous sentence with respect to requirements under paragraph (8) of section 300gg–26(a) of this title, a Medicaid managed care organization (or a prepaid inpatient health plan (as defined by the Secretary) or prepaid ambulatory health plan (as defined by the Secretary) that offers services to enrollees of a Medicaid managed care organization) shall be treated as in compliance with such requirements if the Medicaid managed care organization (or prepaid inpatient health plan or prepaid ambulatory health plan) is in compliance with subpart K of part 438 of title 42, Code of Federal Regulations, and section 438.3(n) of such title, or any successor regulation.
Standards for access to care so that covered services are available within reasonable timeframes and in a manner that ensures continuity of care and adequate primary care and specialized services capacity.
Examination of other aspects of care and service directly related to the improvement of quality of care (including grievance procedures and marketing and information standards).
Procedures for monitoring and evaluating the quality and appropriateness of care and services to enrollees that reflect the full spectrum of populations enrolled under the contract and that includes requirements for provision of quality assurance data to the State using the data and information set that the Secretary has specified for use under part C of subchapter XVIII or such alternative data as the Secretary approves, in consultation with the State.
The strategy developed under subparagraph (A) shall be consistent with standards that the Secretary first establishes within 1 year after August 5, 1997. Such standards shall not preempt any State standards that are more stringent than such standards. Guidelines relating to quality assurance that are applied under section 1396n(b)(1) of this title shall apply under this subsection until the effective date of standards for quality assurance established under this subparagraph.
The Secretary shall monitor the development and implementation of strategies under subparagraph (A).
The Secretary shall conduct activities under subparagraphs (B) and (C) in consultation with the States.
Each contract under section 1396b(m) of this title with a medicaid managed care organization shall provide for an annual (as appropriate) external independent review conducted by a qualified independent entity of the quality outcomes and timeliness of, and access to, the items and services for which the organization is responsible under the contract. The requirement for such a review shall not apply until after the date that the Secretary establishes the identification method described in clause (ii).
The Secretary, in consultation with the States, shall establish a method for the identification of entities that are qualified to conduct reviews under clause (i).
The Secretary, in coordination with the National Governors’ Association, shall contract with an independent quality review organization (such as the National Committee for Quality Assurance) to develop the protocols to be used in external independent reviews conducted under this paragraph on and after January 1, 1999.
The results of each external independent review conducted under this subparagraph shall be available to participating health care providers, enrollees, and potential enrollees of the organization, except that the results may not be made available in a manner that discloses the identity of any individual patient.
A State may provide that, in the case of a medicaid managed care organization that is accredited by a private independent entity (such as those described in section 1395w–22(e)(4) of this title) or that has an external review conducted under section 1395w–22(e)(3) of this title, the external review activities conducted under subparagraph (A) with respect to the organization shall not be duplicative of review activities conducted as part of the accreditation process or the external review conducted under such section.
At the option of a State, the requirements of subparagraph (A) shall not apply with respect to a medicaid managed care organization if the organization is an eligible organization with a contract in effect under section 1395mm of this title or a Medicare+ÐChoice organization with a contract in effect under part C of subchapter XVIII and the organization has had a contract in effect under section 1396b(m) of this title at least during the previous 2-year period.
A managed care entity shall distribute marketing materials to the entire service area of such entity covered under the contract under section 1396b(m) of this title or section 1396d(t)(3) of this title.
A managed care entity, or any agency of such entity, may not seek to influence an individual’s enrollment with the entity in conjunction with the sale of any other insurance.
Each managed care entity shall comply with such procedures and conditions as the Secretary prescribes in order to ensure that, before an individual is enrolled with the entity, the individual is provided accurate oral and written information sufficient to make an informed decision whether or not to enroll.
Each managed care entity shall not, directly or indirectly, conduct door-to-door, telephonic, or other “cold-call” marketing of enrollment under this subchapter.
A medicaid managed care organization may not enter into a contract with any State under section 1396b(m) of this title unless the State has in effect conflict-of-interest safeguards with respect to officers and employees of the State with responsibilities relating to contracts with such organizations or to the default enrollment process described in subsection (a)(4)(C)(ii) that are at least as effective as the Federal safeguards provided under chapter 21 of title 41, against conflicts of interest that apply with respect to Federal procurement officials with comparable responsibilities with respect to such contracts.
Each medicaid managed care organization shall require each physician providing services to enrollees eligible for medical assistance under the State plan under this subchapter to have a unique identifier in accordance with the system established under section 1320d–2(b) of this title.
With respect to any contract with a managed care entity under section 1396b(m) or 1396d(t)(3) of this title (as applicable), no later than July 1, 2018, such contract shall include a provision that providers of services or persons terminated (as described in section 1396a(kk)(8) of this title) from participation under this subchapter, subchapter XVIII, or subchapter XXI shall be terminated from participating under this subchapter as a provider in any network of such entity that serves individuals eligible to receive medical assistance under this subchapter.
Beginning not later than January 1, 2018, a State shall require that, in order to participate as a provider in the network of a managed care entity that provides services to, or orders, prescribes, refers, or certifies eligibility for services for, individuals who are eligible for medical assistance under the State plan under this subchapter (or under a waiver of the plan) and who are enrolled with the entity, the provider is enrolled consistent with section 1396a(kk) of this title with the State agency administering the State plan under this subchapter. Such enrollment shall include providing to the State agency the provider’s identifying information, including the name, specialty, date of birth, Social Security number, national provider identifier, Federal taxpayer identification number, and the State license or certification number of the provider.
Nothing in subparagraph (A) shall be construed as requiring a provider described in such subparagraph to provide services to individuals who are not enrolled with a managed care entity under this subchapter.
Clause (i) of subparagraph (A) shall not apply to the provision of abortion services, except that a State may impose a sanction on any medicaid managed care organization that has a contract to provide abortion services if the organization does not provide such services as provided for under the contract.
In the case of a medicaid managed care organization which has repeatedly failed to meet the requirements of section 1396b(m) of this title and this section, the State shall (regardless of what other sanctions are provided) impose the sanctions described in subparagraphs (B) and (C) of paragraph (2).
In the case of a managed care entity which has failed to meet the requirements of this part or a contract under section 1396b(m) or 1396d(t)(3) of this title, the State shall have the authority to terminate such contract with the entity and to enroll such entity’s enrollees with other managed care entities (or to permit such enrollees to receive medical assistance under the State plan under this subchapter other than through a managed care entity).
A State may not terminate a contract with a managed care entity under subparagraph (A) unless the entity is provided with a hearing prior to the termination.
Before imposing any sanction against a managed care entity other than termination of the entity’s contract, the State shall provide the entity with notice and such other due process protections as the State may provide, except that a State may not provide a managed care entity with a pre-termination hearing before imposing the sanction described in paragraph (2)(B).
A contract under section 1396b(m) of this title with a medicaid managed care organization shall provide that the organization shall make payment to health care providers for items and services which are subject to the contract and that are furnished to individuals eligible for medical assistance under the State plan under this subchapter who are enrolled with the organization on a timely basis consistent with the claims payment procedures described in section 1396a(a)(37)(A) of this title, unless the health care provider and the organization agree to an alternate payment schedule and, in the case of primary care services described in section 1396a(a)(13)(C) of this title, consistent with the minimum payment rates specified in such section (regardless of the manner in which such payments are made, including in the form of capitation or partial capitation).
To agree to make prompt payment (consistent with rule for prompt payment of providers under section 1396u–2(f) of this title) to Indian health care providers that are participating providers with respect to such entity or, in the case of an entity to which subparagraph (A)(ii) or (C) applies, that the entity is required to pay in accordance with that subparagraph.
To agree to pay any Indian health care provider that is a federally-qualified health center under this subchapter but not a participating provider with respect to the entity, for the provision of covered Medicaid managed care services by such provider to an Indian enrollee of the entity at a rate equal to the amount of payment that the entity would pay a federally-qualified health center that is a participating provider with respect to the entity but is not an Indian health care provider for such services.
Nothing in subclause (I) or subparagraph (A) or (B) shall be construed as waiving the application of section 1396a(bb)(5) of this title regarding the State plan requirement to make any supplemental payment due under such section to a federally-qualified health center for services furnished by such center to an enrollee of a managed care entity (regardless of whether the federally-qualified health center is or is not a participating provider with the entity).
If the amount paid by a managed care entity to an Indian health care provider that is not a federally-qualified health center for services provided by the provider to an Indian enrollee with the managed care entity is less than the rate that applies to the provision of such services by the provider under the State plan, the plan shall provide for payment to the Indian health care provider, whether the provider is a participating or nonparticipating provider with respect to the entity, of the difference between such applicable rate and the amount paid by the managed care entity to the provider for such services.
Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as waiving the application of section 1396a(a)(30)(A) of this title (relating to application of standards to assure that payments are consistent with efficiency, economy, and quality of care).
Regarding the application of a Medicaid managed care program to Indian Medicaid managed care entities, an Indian Medicaid managed care entity may restrict enrollment under such program to Indians in the same manner as Indian Health Programs may restrict the delivery of services to Indians.
The term “Indian health care provider” means an Indian Health Program or an Urban Indian Organization.
The term “Indian Medicaid managed care entity” means a managed care entity that is controlled (within the meaning of the last sentence of section 1396b(m)(1)(C) of this title) by the Indian Health Service, a Tribe, Tribal Organization, or Urban Indian Organization, or a consortium, which may be composed of 1 or more Tribes, Tribal Organizations, or Urban Indian Organizations, and which also may include the Service.
The term “non-Indian Medicaid managed care entity” means a managed care entity that is not an Indian Medicaid managed care entity.
The term “covered Medicaid managed care services” means, with respect to an individual enrolled with a managed care entity, items and services for which benefits are available with respect to the individual under the contract between the entity and the State involved.
Beginning not later than October 1, 2019, each contract under a State plan with a managed care entity (other than a primary care case manager) under section 1396b(m) of this title shall provide that the entity is in compliance with the applicable provisions of section 438.3(s)(2) of title 42, Code of Federal Regulations, section 483.3(s)(4)) [2] of such title, and section 483.3(s)(5) [3] of such title, as such provisions were in effect on March 31, 2018.