7 U.S. Code § 1006c to 1006e - Repealed. Pub. L. 87–128, title III, § 341(a), Aug. 8, 1961, 75 Stat. 318
Section 1006c, act July 22, 1937, ch. 517, title I, § 16, as added Aug. 9, 1955, ch. 633, § 1, 69 Stat. 553; amended Aug. 1, 1956, ch. 829, § 1(h), 70 Stat. 802, provided for additional insurance of loans, mortgages and other security, lien, definitions of mortgage, insured mortgage, mortgagor and mortgagee, conversion to insured loan and rights of holder of insured note.
Section 1006d, act July 22, 1937, ch. 517, title I, § 17, as added Aug. 1, 1956, ch. 829, § 1(i), 70 Stat. 802; amended Sept. 21, 1959, Pub. L. 86–332, 73 Stat. 599, related to loans for refinancing indebtedness on farms of not more than family size and restrictions and limitations thereon.
Section 1006e, act July 22, 1937, ch. 517, title I, § 18, as added Aug. 25, 1958, Pub. L. 85–748, § 1(a), 72 Stat. 840, related to authorization of Secretary for execution, insurance and sale of loans, interest, insurance, appraisal and delinquency charges, computation of aggregate amount of principal obligations which may be insured, insurance of loans from funds advanced by lenders other than United States, provisions applicable to loans, conversion of loans to insured loans, expense funds, sale of loans on noninsured basis and assignment of loans.
For subject matter of sections 1006c to 1006e of this title, see section 1921 et seq. of this title.
Repeal effective one hundred and twenty days after Aug. 8, 1961, or such earlier date as the provisions of section 1921 et seq. of this title are made effective by regulations of Secretary of Agriculture, see section 341(a) of Pub. L. 87–128, set out as a note under section 1921 of this title.
Sections repealed effective Oct. 15, 1961, by former section 300.1 of Title 6, Code of Federal Regulations, see Effective Date note under section 1921 of this title.