A movie director who doesn’t like how a scene is playing out can simply yell “Cut!” and roll back to the beginning of the scene. Likewise, if Data443 Ransomware Recovery Manager detects ransomware activity, it can roll your system back to before the attack. Every time you reboot, it restores your PC to a previous malware-free state, wiping out any changes except your own documents, pictures, and so on. Of course, this tool can’t claw back any data that malware already exfiltrated from your system—it only reverts your PC, not the outside world. In testing, it detected and disabled all our real-world ransomware samples, though its file recovery wasn’t always perfect. With further tuning of its abilities, Data443 Ransomware Recovery Manager might challenge ZoneAlarm Anti-Ransomware and NeuShield Data Sentinel, our favorite ransomware protection tools.
How Much Does Data443 Cost?
At one time, I tracked ten distinct ransomware-specific security utilities, half of them entirely free. That field has shrunk considerably, and the survivors all charge for their services, but Data443 is by far the least expensive among them.
With most security products, you pay an annual subscription fee. Some offer a monthly subscription, good for short-term use but more expensive over the course of a year. The price for Data443 Ransomware Recovery Manager looks like a typical monthly fee of $8.99, but that’s actually the full-year subscription price. There’s no volume discount for more licenses, but then, at that price, you don’t need one.
A single license for ZoneAlarm Anti-Ransomware will run you $34.95 per year, quite a bit more than Data 443. It’s only at the 10-license level, which lists for $94.95, that ZoneAlarm gets close to Data443’s price on a per-device basis.
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NeuShield Data Sentinel costs slightly less than ZoneAlarm, $23.99 per year. As with ZoneAlarm, the per-device price drops with volume discounts. You pay $59.99 for three licenses or $79.99 for five. That’s a fraction short of $20 per device at the five-device level, but still quite a bit more than the Data443 subscription.
At just $15 per year, CryptoPrevent Premium seems less expensive, though it’s still almost twice Data443’s price. However, it, too, doesn’t offer volume discounts, so its low-price leadership dwindles as you add more devices to protect. In addition, it fared very poorly in our testing.
Getting Started With Data443
Before you even think about installing Data443 Ransomware Recovery Manager, you absolutely must make sure that you're starting with a clean PC. Otherwise, this tool’s rollback-on-reboot feature will roll you back to an infested state. Even if you have antivirus protection installed (and you should!), consider getting a second opinion by scanning with a free cleanup-only tool such as Malwarebytes Free. Note, too, that this product strictly supports Windows 10 and Windows 11. No antique operating systems need apply.
On my test system, the installer made a point of bringing in some prerequisites, files related to Microsoft’s .NET framework. You’ll create a passphrase during installation, one that you’ll have to enter every time you turn protection on or off. I won’t fault you if you choose the minimum length of three characters.
When the installation finishes, you must reboot. As you’ll see, this is the first of many times you’ll reboot the system. In testing, I found that after that first reboot, the bundled Antivirus Protection Manager appeared alone. It took two more reboots to get the Ransomware Recovery Manager into view. For ransomware testing purposes, I disabled the antivirus component.
Your new installation necessarily starts off disabled. Before enabling protection, you should take care of some configuration business. Click Manage to view the list of Working Folders. Files in these folders aren’t affected when you reboot back to a previous state (I’ll explain further below). Most users should just click Add Defaults, which populates the list with Desktop, Documents, Favorites, Music, and Pictures for each user account. If you store your work in other locations, add those too. Click Save when done.
Now you’re ready to turn on protection. Click the large, red Data443 icon, enter your passphrase, and reboot. When it comes back, that oversized icon will be green, meaning you’re protected.
How Data443 Works
When Data443 Ransomware Recovery Manager is enabled, it virtualizes all changes to the file system and Registry. Programs don’t know the difference. They work just as they would without it. However, when you reboot, all those changes vanish. At the core, it's as simple as that.
Of course, if you just finished editing a totally brilliant viral video, only to have it vanish on reboot, you wouldn't be too happy. That's the point of defining Working Folders; files you save in these folders don’t get discarded.
You may have used a commercial version of this product (or one of its predecessors) without realizing it. Did you ever use a public computer kiosk in a hotel lobby to do some task, such as printing your boarding pass? Millions of those kiosks are automatically sanitized after use by the commercial version. Libraries are another big venue. The company has received a US patent for this technology.
Change Your Habits
When you rely on Data443 Ransomware Recovery Manager for protection, you must remember that it performs its Groundhog Day magic only when you reboot the computer. If the PC just goes into sleep mode, there’s no cleanup. Also, protected backups of files in your Working Folders continue accumulating until the next reboot. As my contact at Data443 explained, “While a reboot periodically will help with reducing the number of files that accumulate to be restored, it is not as critical as it was in the past.”
Installing new software on a protected system is a multi-step process. First, disable protection and reboot. Second, install the software. Third, re-enable protection and reboot again. You go through a similar process to install Windows updates.
Note, too, that your browsers and other programs often ask to install updates for security or improved features. Your best bet is to set aside some time every week to make sure everything gets the necessary updates. Disable Data443 Ransomware Recovery Manager and reboot. Launch your browsers and make sure they get any needed updates. Check browser extensions, as they, too, get updates. Many programs include a menu item to check for updates; find and click all those.
During this update-fest, don't do anything else on the computer that might expose you to malware. Don't visit websites. Don't check your email. Don't plug in any USB drives. Do nothing but install updates. When you're done, enable Data443 Ransomware Recovery Manager and reboot. Once you get used to this regimen, it shouldn't take long.
Special Treatment for Your Antivirus
You could rely entirely on Data443 Ransomware Recovery Manager for malware protection, figuring that a reboot will discard any infestation, but that’s an iffy proposition. If a Trojan is sitting in the background siphoning off your personal data or manipulating your financial transactions, you may not know you need to reboot. The same is true if you have a bot waiting for instructions from its command and control server. Without real-time antivirus protection, malware could own your computer, right up to the moment you reboot.
It's true that this product bundles Data443 Antivirus Protection Manager, a bare-bones antivirus utility. The antivirus scans files for malware on access and on demand, period. It doesn’t perform scheduled scans or attempt to steer you away from dangerous or fraudulent websites. While it comes with a few small bonus tools, it lacks the wealth of bonus features that adorn products like Editors’ Choice Bitdefender Antivirus Plus. You may prefer to disable the bundled antivirus and stick with your existing mainstream selection.
But there’s a problem. Modern antivirus programs include techniques like heuristic analysis and behavior-based detection to catch the wiliest malware, but most still include a simple, signature-based detection system, to handle the simple-minded malware that’s still making the rounds. That means they rely on signature updates that come in anywhere from several times an hour to once a day. If each reboot resets your antivirus to using old signatures, that’s a problem.
When I asked about this apparent problem, my contact at Data443 explained that antivirus products get special treatment, so their updates aren’t wiped out. “We allow them to update and run,” he said. “If there is one that we have missed, we will add their local store to our repository.” Of course, you should include the antivirus in your periodic update regimen, to manage any updates to the program itself.
Reset on Reboot Verified
It’s easy enough to verify that rebooting resets the system to an earlier time. I installed a few programs, changed the desktop wallpaper, and made a few other visible changes. After a reboot, the wallpaper changed back and the programs I had installed vanished.
Files in the folders you’ve added to the Working Folders list shouldn’t be affected by a reboot. I verified that I could edit a file, reboot, and retain my edits. When I last tested this product, the reboot process wreaked havoc on some of my files, though. It changed some to folders, thereby destroying their contents. And files I created from the right-click New menu got renamed back to, for example, “New Text Document.txt” after reboot. I’m pleased to say I saw no sign of these problems in the current version.
I did notice that Data443 places what I assume are “bait files” in the folders it’s managing. The files have random names, and the contents advise the user to leave them unmodified.
NeuShield Data Sentinel handles recovery in a somewhat similar fashion. It snapshots the system periodically and lets you revert to the latest snapshot by invoking One-Click Restore. This does eliminate all changes made since the snapshot, which can cause its own problems.
Testing Ransomware Protection With Data443
The only reliable way to evaluate ransomware protection is to release real-world ransomware and see what happens. And the only safe way to do that is in a virtual machine. I carefully cut the internet connection to my test virtual machine and proceeded with hands-on testing.
At present, I have 11 working ransomware samples from the wild. Of these, 10 are the standard file-encrypting type, while one works by encrypting the whole disk. The disk encryptor performed as expected, faking a blue-screen error and rebooting the system. After reboot, it would normally encrypt the drive while pretending to repair it, but Data443 put the kibosh on that plan. Rebooting brought the system back to safety.
One of the file encryptors just wouldn’t perform, no matter how tasty the smörgåsbord of files I exposed. That left nine virulent samples for testing. The results were much better than my previous test, but some oddities remained.
Data443 caught ransomware activity in all nine cases. Previously, it would report finding suspicious activity and ask for permission to reboot. Now it just reboots immediately, with no warning to the user. That may seem abrupt, but I can see that calling an instant halt to ransomware activity is beneficial. Sure, you don’t get a warning, but neither does the ransomware. In addition, many popular office suites default to saving automatically, so you won’t necessarily lose what you were working on.
In several cases, I saw evidence of the ransomware attack before Data443 forced a reboot, evidence such as visibly encrypted files or ransom notes on display. And in every case, it recovered all protected files that were present before installation.
For two of the samples, Data443 didn’t manage to recover any of the files created after its installation. I repeated this test several times, reverting the virtual machine between each test. I also confirmed that at the start of the test that those new files were visible in Data443’s secret storage folder, and after the test they were absent both from their original locations and from the secret folder.
One sample yielded a seriously problematic result. After the forced reboot, I could see that Data443 recovered the pre-existing files (but not the newer files). However, the app didn’t restart, even after several reboots. I tried a repair reinstallation, but it didn’t help. Further examination revealed that the ransomware attack managed to encrypt the supposedly safe backups in Data443’s secret storage folder. To add insult to injury, when I launched the sample again it encrypted everything because Data443 wasn’t running.
This is still a much better result than when previously tested. In my last test, more than half the ransomware samples ran to completion, encrypting important files and demanding ransom without a peep from Data443. This time around, it caught every sample, recovered all pre-existing files, and in most cases also recovered files created after the program’s installation. But letting a ransomware attack disable protection is a serious black eye.
How Is Data433's Antivirus?
As I mentioned earlier, this tool comes with a very basic antivirus utility, which I disabled for ransomware testing. For a further test, I rolled back the virtual machine to just after installation, disabled ransomware protection, and enabled the antivirus.
The antivirus scans files on access and on demand, though not on schedule. I timed the on-demand deep scan on a malware-free test system and found that it took four hours and 20 minutes. That’s more than twice the current average, though Bitdefender took even longer when last tested. To be fair, you should only need a deep scan once, just after installation. After that, real-time protection should take over.
Normally my malware protection test starts when I open folders containing the samples. Most antivirus tools start picking off the ones they recognize immediately, though some wait until just before the malware program launches. Data443 showed great initiative, starting to remove the samples before I even opened their containing folders. It displayed a popup notification for every single found item, which kept me busy click-click-clicking to close the popups. The antivirus eliminated 90% of the samples at this phase, including all the ransomware samples.
Continuing the test, I launched each sample that wasn’t eliminated on sight. Most of these sailed right past the antivirus, though it did manage to bring its final detection percentage up to 91%. It scored 9.1 of 10 possible points, which is good, but a dozen products have scored better against this same malware collection. Norton Antivirus Plus tops this group, with 9.9 points, while G Data Antivirus and ZoneAlarm are close behind with 9.8.
For a different look at protection, I challenge each antivirus with 100 real-world malware-hosting URLs recently discovered by researchers at London-based testing lab MRG-Effitas. The utility being tested gets equal credit if it blocks all access to the dangerous URL or if it eliminates the malware payload during or immediately after the download.
Data443 is at a disadvantage here because it doesn’t include the ability to detect and block malicious or fraudulent URLs. With just 66% protection, it’s in the bottom five of current products. At the other end of the spectrum, McAfee AntiVirus Plus, Norton, Sophos, Trend Micro, and ZoneAlarm all achieved a perfect 100%.
The antivirus does include a Tools page with a few simple bonus features. The History Cleaner wipes temporary files and a few recently used file lists. It seems a bit dated, with an option to remove Internet Explorer cache files. A Start-Up Manager component helps you disable programs that don’t really need to launch every time you restart Windows. In testing, it took so long to load the program list that I thought it had hung. Finally, you can add a Secure File Eraser option to the right-click menu for files and folders. Choosing it will erase the target beyond the possibility of forensic recovery.
Overall, the bundled antivirus performed better than I expected. However, it remains extremely basic. Its biggest virtue may be its guaranteed compatibility with the ransomware remediation component.
Is Wiping the Slate Clean the Best Option?
When you reboot a computer that's protected by Data443 Ransomware Recovery Manager, every file and Registry change that occurred since the last reboot gets swept away, bringing the system back to a clean state. Folders containing user data are exempted from this process, so you don’t lose your work. In testing, Data443 detected all our real-world malware samples and recovered files. However, in a couple of cases, it only recovered files that were present before its installation, and one sample managed to disable protection and encrypt the safe backups of protected files. It’s much improved since our last review, but it still needs some work.
In the small field of dedicated ransomware protection products, we’re not currently declaring an Editors’ Choice winner. However, both ZoneAlarm Anti-Ransomware and NeuShield Data Sentinel have proved effective in testing.
Data443 Ransomware Recovery Manager resets your PC to a malware-free state on every reboot while protecting changes and edits you’ve made. It terminated all our real-world samples in testing, but recovery wasn’t always perfect.
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