Recommended Prices
The recommended retail price (RRP) is how we calculate the "Save %" listed against prices on our website.
The RRPs listed on our website are taken from a number of sources including the manufacturer's own website, which is our preferred source, and other reputable online retail websites.
You should note, that due to the size of our range and our global product sourcing, not all product prices are listed on the manufacturer's site. Where we cannot get direct information on a product price, we use a blended rate from multiple sources to calculate it or we leave it off entirely if we do not have enough reliable information.
For the following countries we try and obtain the RRPs in the local market:
- China
- European Union
- Japan
If we cannot obtain the local recommended price, we quote the U.S. price or use our blended price.
For all other countries we quote the U.S. RRPs only.
We take every effort to ensure that our RRPs are accurate and up to date but we cannot guarantee their accuracy. Please also note that some companies or countries may change their RRPs arbitrarily.
Naturally, your best comparison is our price against the price you currently pay.
If you come across some errors in the RRPs on our site then please feel free to contact us so we can investigate further and make any adjustments required.
Our Prices
We are updating our prices from time to time. This is how we calculate our "Save %" listed against final prices on our website.
Payment Information
We operate an SSL security system, the industry standard for online transaction security. In order to complete your payment, the minimum browser requirements are:
- Google Chrome 56.0
- Firefox 52.0
- Internet Explorer 9.0
- Edge 16
- Opera 50.0
- Mozilla 5.0
StrawberryNet has successfully completed the Visa Account Information Security (AIS) validation process to demonstrate compliance with the Visa Global AIS program. The AIS Program defines security standards and industry best practices to protect sensitive data such as credit card account information and other transaction and personal details.
Payment Methods
We accept all major international credit cards, including virtual cards:
American Express
Diners Club
Bank wire, local E-wallet & Buy now Pay later services are also available for some countries through the following payment methods:
WeChat Pay
Money order and bank draft payment is available by special arrangement. Please contact us here for details.
Payment Currencies
We endeavour to make checkout as smooth as possible by displaying prices in local currencies. However, not all local currencies are supported by payment gateways. Depending on which payment method you choose, there may be cases in which your order cannot be charged in the local currency that is displayed. If this happens, your order will be charged in a different currency. Rest assured, we will always show you the currency that you are being charged in on the checkout page before you make any payments.
Please note that due to currency fluctuations, the final total shown on the order confirmation may differ slightly from the actual charge in your own currency.
For current exchange rates, refer to the Currency Conversion Table.CLICK HERE
Note to U.S. Based Customers
We guarantee that every online transaction you make will be 100% safe. This means you pay nothing if unauthorized charges are made to your card as a result of shopping at our online store. Under the U.S. Fair Credit Billing Act, your U.S. bank cannot hold you liable for more than $50.00 of fraudulent charges. If your bank does hold you liable for any of this $50.00, we will cover the entire liability for you, up to the full $50.00, and in that case you would not need to pay for any of the unauthorized charges made to your card as a result of shopping at our online store. We will only cover this liability if the unauthorized use of your credit card resulted through no fault of your own from purchases made while using the secure server. In the event of the unauthorized use of your credit card, you must notify your credit card provider in accordance with its reporting rules and procedures.