Agonising challenge for John Reid

Last updated at 08:45 10 May 2006

A young Nigerian woman who came to this country heavily pregnant and shortly afterwards gave birth to twins in an NHS hospital is critically ill with heart failure. Her condition requires a transplant.

Under measures to deter 'health tourism', priority for transplants is given to British or EU nationals.

Her lawyers claim that, even though she had overstayed her visa and is liable for deportation, under human rights laws she is entitled to a new heart. What a dilemma.

It is impossible not to feel sympathy for this woman's plight since she will almost certainly die without such an operation.

But that would mean depriving a British - or EU - patient of a heart transplant and so hasten their death.

The stark fact is that health tourism costs this country hundreds of millions of pounds a year. A free health service, generous benefits and virtually nonexistent border controls combine to make Britain a honeypot for foreigners needing medical treatment.

This paper has highlighted the case of a sickly baby, born here to a foreign visitor, who will eventually cost £1million to nurse back to full health.

Many medical professionals are in despair at such unfairness, arguing that people who have paid for the NHS through their taxes should expect first call on precious resources.

But such issues should not be decided in courtroom battles over human rights.

This woman's case has been sent to the Home Office to establish whether she will be granted exceptional leave to remain in Britain.

But rather than just making a single ruling in this emotive case, shouldn't the new Home Secretary John Reid start tackling the root cause... our woefully inadequate border controls?

Kelly goes to war

Anyone who thought replacing the disgraced John Prescott with Ruth Kelly would lead to a rethink in housing policy had another thing coming.

Public-school educated Miss Kelly sounded every inch the chippy class warrior yesterday as she warned Middle Britain she would 'root out' opposition to new council houses.

Throwing down the gauntlet in this way must come easy to Miss Kelly who has managed to secure not one but two council flats at knock-down prices (under Tory right-to-buy laws, of course).

Rather than shooting from the lip, she'd be better advised to heed the words of Frank Field.

The former welfare reform minister has correctly identified the most pressing problem about social housing - that local people bitterly resent being pushed down the queue by single mothers and incomers (a resentment so ruthlessly exploited by the odious BNP).

Wouldn't Miss Kelly be better employed tackling this - rather than declaring war on the middle classes?

Fighting the fanatics

Small investors in drugs company GlaxoSmithKline are the latest victims of the animal terrorists.

They have reason to be worried because these fanatics have a sickening record when it comes to desecrating a grave, fire-bombing or beatings.

Yet there is growing concern that neither police nor the security services take the threat seriously enough.

Apart from ensuring that thuggery does not pay, there are huge economic interests at stake here. Britain is a world leader in advanced medical research. How long will that last if the animal terrorists are not brought to book?