Hacker faces extradition to the US

Last updated at 12:07 10 May 2006

A British man accused of the "biggest military hack of all time" was told today he faces extradition to the United States.

Gary McKinnon, 40, of Wood Green, north London, is alleged to have caused $700,000 (£370,000) worth of damage hacking into US defence computer systems over the course of a year.

Today at Bow Street Magistrates' Court in central London, District Judge Nicholas Evans said McKinnon should be recommended for extradition.

The matter is now expected to be passed to Home Secretary John Reid for a final decision.

The district judge reserved the decision until today following a hearing last month which was told that McKinnon intended to gain access to the US's military classified information network.

He was alleged to have deleted system files and logs from computers at US naval weapon station Earle at a critical time following the September 11 attacks, rendering the base's entire network of more than 300 computers inoperable.

McKinnon's lawyer argued that he could be sent to Guantanamo Bay if extradited.

But the US government said it had given assurances to the UK government that it would not make McKinnon subject to "Military Order Number One" which allows the US president to detain suspects indefinitely.

Outside court, accompanied by solicitor Karen Todner, McKinnon vowed to fight on but claimed that if he was tried in Virginia he was "already hung and quartered over there".

His solicitor told reporters that McKinnon's legal team would now be making representations to Home Secretary John Reid and would challenge his decision on appeal were he to grant the extradition.

McKinnon said that he was not surprised by today's court ruling.

"It went as expected and obviously the appeal process can now start," he said.

Defending his actions he said: "My intention was never to disrupt security, the fact that I logged on there and there were no passwords means that there was no security."

Asked what he had been doing by hacking into US systems he told reporters that he had been looking for evidence of UFOs.

Despite assurances given to the court that he would not be tried by a military tribunal, McKinnon said he still feared being sent to Guantanamo Bay.

He said: "As one person has said to me, most people in Guantanamo have not been proved to be terrorists but allegedly I directly attacked the military."

Following indications in court that he could be tried in a federal setting in Virginia McKinnon said: "Virginia is famously conservative. I'm practically already hung and quartered over there."

In a direct appeal to the Home Secretary he said: "Do right by your subjects."

McKinnon, who was told that he was being released on conditional bail, admitted that he regretted his actions.

But he added: "I was amazed at the lack of security and the reason I left not just one note but multiple notes on multiple desktops was to say: 'Look this is ridiculous'."

In a lengthy judgment, District Judge Evans rejected arguments including the possibility that McKinnon could suffer prejudice at his trial because of his political opinions.

The District Judge said: "It is necessary for the defendant, as he bears the burden, to establish on the probabilities that there is a 'reasonable chance', 'substantial grounds for thinking' or 'serious possibility' of his suffering prejudice.

"That burden has not been discharged."

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