Fearful employers ban 'offensive' Christmas decorations

Last updated at 13:16 05 December 2006

Three out of four employers have banned Christmas decorations from their offices for fear of offending other faiths, a report claimed today.

Law firm Peninsula said the workplace was becoming caught up in the 'wave' of political correctness affecting festive traditions.

A survey of 2,300 employers found that 74 per cent had banned decorations because they were worried about offending other faiths, while half thought they made offices look unprofessional.

Peter Done, managing director of Peninsula, said the findings followed a number of cases involving local authorities banning festive activities and decorations in high streets and shopping centres.

"Christmas trees and decorations may well be a thing of the past in many workplaces this Christmas as political correctness culture has spread to the workplace.

"Although employers who are enforcing the ban are sceptical and dismayed by this trend, they feel that they have little choice in the matter due to the threat of litigation; as they have to protect themselves, their reputation and their livelihood."

Meanwhile, another report showed workers were increasingly having to spend their own money at office Christmas parties.

A survey of 1,200 adults by supermarket chain Somerfield showed only a third were given a completely free night at the annual office bash.

The stingiest bosses were said to be in Sheffield, where almost half made their staff pay for their Christmas meal, followed by Cardiff and Newcastle.

Two out of five workers said they would spend over £50 on a new outfit for the office party.

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