Conor McGregor claims his spies have been watching UFC rival Jose Aldo ahead of fight

Conor McGregor has claimed he has had spies in Jose Aldo's gym during his training camp.

McGregor will finally come face-to-face with the UFC's featherweight champion on Saturday, five months after their first meeting was cancelled when Aldo suffered a broken rib.

And the Irishman is confident he has the inside track on his opponent.

Conor McGregor claims he has had spies in Jose Aldo's camp ahead of their showdown in Las Vegas

Conor McGregor claims he has had spies in Jose Aldo's camp ahead of their showdown in Las Vegas

Members of McGregor's team have been keeping a close eye on Aldo, according to the Irishman 

Members of McGregor's team have been keeping a close eye on Aldo, according to the Irishman 


Conor McGregor                          Jose Aldo

The Notorious                               Scarface

144lbs                      Weight           144lbs

5'8''                           Height             5'7''

73''                            Reach             70''

27                               Age                29

'He brought in a guy to mimic me and the guy that mimicked me put him out of the fight with a spin kick that went wide. I saw it; it was a sloppy kick,' McGregor said on UFC Embedded.

'It was embarrassing to even get caught with a shot like that.

'It just goes to show how flat and stuck he is. There's no-one that can mimic me. I have my spies in their camp so I see everything that goes on in that camp.' McGregor recently moved from his California base to a mansion in Las Vegas.

He and Aldo will weigh-in at the MGM Grand on Friday before returning the following day for their long-awaited fight.

McGregor has rented out this palatial six-bedroom mansion in Las Vegas ahead of Saturday's showdown

McGregor has rented out this palatial six-bedroom mansion in Las Vegas ahead of Saturday's showdown


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