Aaron Carter's home is being SOLD for $850K asking price with 'death scene' bathroom getting remodeled... five months after he passed away in the residence

Aaron Carter's estate has put the seven-bedroom home he died in up for sale with an asking price slightly below $850,000.

The 4,131 sq ft spread has been listed by Berkshire Hathaway's Christie M. Limpus, who put the property on the market last week, TMZ reports. 

At the beginning of last November, Aaron's housekeeper found him dead in one of the house's four bathrooms of what the coroner ruled was an accidental overdose.

Now that bathroom is being remodeled ahead of the sale, from which all proceeds will go into the singer's estate and into a trust for his one-year-old son Prince. 

Christie informed TMZ that five potential owners have already stopped by for tours, even while the bathroom is being redone.

On the market: Aaron Carter's estate has put the seven-bedroom home he died in up for sale with an asking price slightly below $850,000

On the market: Aaron Carter's estate has put the seven-bedroom home he died in up for sale with an asking price slightly below $850,000

Tragedy: At the beginning of last November, Aaron's housekeeper found him dead in one of the house's four bathrooms of what the coroner ruled was an accidental overdose; seen in 2022

Tragedy: At the beginning of last November, Aaron's housekeeper found him dead in one of the house's four bathrooms of what the coroner ruled was an accidental overdose; seen in 2022

Throwback: Aaron previously put the home on the market just one month before he died, at that time with an asking price of $779,900; pictured three days after his death

Throwback: Aaron previously put the home on the market just one month before he died, at that time with an asking price of $779,900; pictured three days after his death

Aaron previously put the home on the market just one month before he died, at that time with an asking price of $779,900.

Even that amount was a significant markup from the approximately $430,000 that Aaron paid to snap up the premises in 2019.

When he purchased the house, he exuberantly tweeted: 'I finally own my first home in California, I have a place to call my own, worked very diligently and consecutively on myself Mind Body & Soul and kept myself out of trouble, I get to do what I love everyday thanks to everyone who believed in me At this point in my life.'

News of the home appearing on the market comes one month after Aaron's mother released images of the horrifying scene where her son died, as she believes he was the victim of a crime and that he did not die from an overdose.

Jane Carter posted several pictures of the tragic bathroom scene to her social media in a bid to bring the authorities' attention back to the case.

The images were taken at Mr Carter's home in Lancaster, California on the day of the troubled singer's death on November 5 last year.

One of the pictures showed the bathtub where the I Want Candy singer died filled with discolored water, likely because of the natural bodily after effects of death.

The other images show towels sprawled across the bathroom floor, with more tinged water surrounding them.

Milestone: When he purchased the house, he exuberantly tweeted: 'I finally own my first home in California, I have a place to call my own....'

Milestone: When he purchased the house, he exuberantly tweeted: 'I finally own my first home in California, I have a place to call my own....'

Jane Carter posted several pictures of the tragic bathroom scene where her son died to her social media. Pictured: The mother and son at SkyBar at the Mondrian Los Angeles, October 10, 2019

Jane Carter posted several pictures of the tragic bathroom scene where her son died to her social media. Pictured: The mother and son at SkyBar at the Mondrian Los Angeles, October 10, 2019

The images were taken at Mr Carter's home in Lancaster, California on the day of the troubled singer's death on November 5 last year

The images were taken at Mr Carter's home in Lancaster, California on the day of the troubled singer's death on November 5 last year

An image of the bathroom can be seen following the tragic death of Aaron Carter

An image of the bathroom can be seen following the tragic death of Aaron Carter

One of the pictures showed the bathtub where the I Want Candy singer died filled with discolored water

One of the pictures showed the bathtub where the I Want Candy singer died filled with discolored water

Ms Carter said she had the full support of her son's friends and family to post the images to bring attention back to the case.

She said she was not being taken seriously by police, and hoped the post detailing the awful scene of his death will lead law enforcement to reexamine Mr Carter's death.

She also said it was wrong that police could 'tromp through' the house when the body was discovered by the housekeeper last year, and said there 'should have been at least an investigation'. 

'Because of my son's mental illness and prescription drug issues they [the police] just wanted it to be something easy that they didn't have the time or inclination to address.' 

The devastated mother added: 'We want justice. We want answers.

'There are people who must be held accountable.'

An autopsy conducted by the LA County Coroner's Office already confirmed to Mr Carter's family that he had not drowned.

The authorities found that he did not have any water in his lungs, so they believe he died in the bathtub following an overdose.

Ms Carter told TMZ Live that her son had a 'number of people harassing him online' and she believed they could have done him harm.

Sad spiral: Carter spent time at rehab in various stints between 2011 and 2017

Sad spiral: Carter spent time at rehab in various stints between 2011 and 2017

She said police had  done a welfare check on Carter but claimed they had failed to see him in person.

Ms Carter added that she was suspicious over the manner of Aaron's death as there was no water from the overflowing bathtub on the edges of the tub, which she believed there would have been if he had been pulled out to do CPR.

'He was an addict, but I don't think he wanted to die, I don't think he would have been doing that much of that aerosol.' 

But both Ms Carter and her son's fiancée Melanie Martin, 30, have previously alleged a drug deal he made on the night that he died could have led him to overdose.

In an interview with TMZ in January, Martin said she had found text messages on Mr Carter's phone from a man demanding $800 for an unknown substance.

Mr Carter, who spent time at rehab in various stints between 2011 and 2017, reportedly replied to the man claiming he no longer needed the substance, to which the man responded it didn't matter as he still owed the money.

He then asked if he was being threatened, which is where the messages end.

His ex: Carter is pictured with then-girlfriend Hilary Duff at the premiere of The Lizzie McGuire Movie, April 26, 2003, in Hollywood, California

His ex: Carter is pictured with then-girlfriend Hilary Duff at the premiere of The Lizzie McGuire Movie, April 26, 2003, in Hollywood, California

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