David Koch disappears from Sunrise for days and is replaced by fill-in host Matt Shirvington ahead of Donald Trump's court ruling

Sunrise viewers have been left scratching their heads over the last few days as host David 'Kochie' Koch has been notably absent from the show.

The 67-year-old has been replaced by fill-in presenter Matt Shirvington, and on Tuesday Natalie Barr and Matt hosted a special edition of the morning show covering Donald Trump's court ruling. 

Kochie has been away from the breakfast chair since Friday. 

Natalie and Matt failed to address Kochie's disappearance, however it's been revealed he is in Perth for the Resources Technology Showcase.

The event sees the state's biggest mining and energy companies show off the latest technology in the sector.

Sunrise viewers have been left scratching their heads over the last few days as host David 'Kochie' Koch has been notably absent from the show. The 67-year-old has been replaced by fill-in presenter Matt Shirvington, and on Tuesday Natalie Barr and Matt hosted a special edition of the breakfast show covering Donald Trump 's court ruling

Sunrise viewers have been left scratching their heads over the last few days as host David 'Kochie' Koch has been notably absent from the show. The 67-year-old has been replaced by fill-in presenter Matt Shirvington, and on Tuesday Natalie Barr and Matt hosted a special edition of the breakfast show covering Donald Trump 's court ruling 

This isn't the first time, Kochie has disappeared from the news desk.

In May last year, the TV presenter stepped away from the news desk during an ad break shortly before 6am because he was suffering from laryngitis.

He had been speaking with a croaky voice at the start of the broadcast at 5:30am.

His co-anchor Natalie Barr explained his absence to viewers at 5:56am, saying: 'You may notice something slightly different.

Kochie signed a two-year contract extension with Seven last year that will see him staying on Sunrise until at least 2024 - although he negotiated for 'greater flexibility' with his working commitments

Kochie has been away from the breakfast chair since Friday 

'Kochie came in [and] he bravely fought on for about 25 minutes. He had laryngitis yesterday and apparently he's still got it. He couldn't really speak.'

Newsreader Monique Wright said she had told Kochie to 'have honey before every intro' but he refused because he thought it might 'bring on diabetes or something'.

Sports presenter Mark Beretta, who stepped up to co-anchor the show after Kochie left, joked that his sore throat was due to shouting at the footy over the weekend.

This isn't the first time, Kochie has disappeared from the news desk. In May last year, the TV presenter stepped away from the news desk during an ad break shortly before 6am because he was suffering from laryngitis

This isn't the first time, Kochie has disappeared from the news desk. In May last year, the TV presenter stepped away from the news desk during an ad break shortly before 6am because he was suffering from laryngitis

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