'Two Tas premiers' on centre stage

It was a tale of two Tasmanian premiers rallying the Liberal Party faithful in Melbourne.

Newly elected Tasmanian Premier Will Hodgman was given the chance for a victory lap at the party's federal council on Saturday.

He stormed to power in March after a landslide election win.

Mr Hodgman joked about Queensland Premier Campbell Newman's childhood growing up in Tasmania and his parents representing the state in federal politics.

"Isn't it wonderful to have two Tasmanian premiers here speaking to you this morning?" Mr Hodgman said.

The election win had been 16 years in the making for Tasmania.

Mr Hodgman said he was getting on with the job of fixing the state's finances and reducing high unemployment figures.

Mr Newman, who won a landslide state poll in 2012, delivered a progress report on his time in power.

His tenure has been marred by unpopular cuts to the public service jobs and controversial anti-bikie laws.

"We now have our biggest challenge ahead of us," Mr Newman said, referring to reaching the budget surplus expected in the 2015/16 financial year.

Queensland is due to return to the polls in March 2015.

"We've got the runs on the board," Mr Newman said, declaring that the Sunshine State would be a economic powerhouse.

Victorian Premier Denis Napthine, who faces an election in November, addressed the council on Friday evening.

WA premier Colin Barnett is not listed to speak and NSW Premier Mike Baird is not attending.

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