Flamboyant madam Cynthia Payne gets colorful funeral tribute

LONDON (AP) — Monty Python comedian Terry Jones, pallbearers dressed as policemen and mourners in French maid costumes have celebrated the life of Cynthia Payne, the British madam celebrated in the film "Personal Services."

Payne, who died last month at 82, became famous when police raided her home in 1978 and found elderly men paying for lewd entertainment with lunch vouchers.

Briefly imprisoned for running a brothel, she became a celebrity nicknamed "Madame Cyn." She boasted that her clients included vicars, lawyers and members of Parliament.

Jones, who directed "Personal Services," paid tribute at Payne's London funeral Wednesday to a woman who "lived life to the full."

Phil Walder of the British Humanist Association led the service, describing Payne as the "original Spice Girl." He said: "She made lots of people very happy."

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