親愛的朋友,歡迎您使用康泰納仕集團(包含康泰納仕綜合媒體事業有限公司、康泰納仕時尚網有限公司、樺舍全媒體整合股份有限公司及未來因組織異動依法應於本網站揭露公告之新增國內子公司)(以下簡稱:「本公司」)所屬之 Vogue時尚網、GQ男人網、CONDENAST.COM.TW 服務/網站(以下簡稱:「本網站」)。您於本網站活動及所留存的個人資料,本網站將依照中華民國「個人資料保護法」之規範予以保護,在未獲得您的同意以前,絕不對相關業務合作夥伴以外的第三人任意揭露您的姓名、地址、電子郵件地址及其他依法受保護的個人資料。
為參與本網站服務行銷、市場分析、統計或研究、或為提供個人化服務或加值服務之目的,您同意本公司及相關業務夥伴,得記錄、保存及利用您在本網站所留存或產生的資料及記錄,同時在不揭露各該具體資料內容的情形下,得公開或使用統計資料。本網站可能會記錄您上站的 IP 位址,及在網站內瀏覽活動等資料,但這些資料僅供本網站及相關業務夥伴內部作網站流量和網路行為調查的總量分析,利於提升網站的服務品質,不涉及您的具體個人資料。
- 蒐集目的
基於本公司之聯繫、公告、業務推廣、後續處理、活動宣傳及紀錄等,以及其他經營合於本公司營業登記項目或組織章程所定之業務所為之蒐集處理及利用。 - 個人資料之類別
自然人之姓名、出生日期、電子郵件信箱、聯絡電話、網際網路協定(IP位址、站內外網際網路瀏覽軌跡、Cookie等),以及其他得以直接或間接方式識別個人之資料。 - 利用期間
自您同意於網站聯絡我們或參加網路活動、其他相關聯繫本公司之信箱,所留存登錄個人基本資料之日起至特定目的存續期間、依相關法令、契約約定或執行業務所必須保存資料所訂之保存年限(以期限最長者為準)。 - 利用地區、對象及方式
對於您的個人資料,本公司將於特定及必要之目的範圍內予以合理利用,並依法採取適當之安全措施予以保護。您所登錄留存之個人資料,其利用地區包含台灣(含台灣、金門、澎湖、馬祖地區)及前述利用對象及其母公司或關係企業之國內及國外所在地,並依個人資料保護相關法規蒐集、處理、國際傳輸及利用。本公司將於蒐集之特定目的範圍內以符合個人資料保護相關法令之自動化機器或其他非自動化之方式處理並利用個人資料。 - 如屬單純在本網站的瀏覽及檔案下載之行為,本網站並不會蒐集任何有關個人的身分資料。惟如係利用本網站所提供的各項線上服務,需申請人提供個人資料時,各承辦單位會依案件辦理需要請您提供姓名、國民身分證統一編號、聯絡電話、電子郵件信箱、通訊住址等個人最新、最真實之資料。如提供任何錯誤或不實資料,則本網站有權拒絕您使用本網站之服務。
- 本網站會記錄使用者上站的IP位址、上網時間以及在網站內所瀏覽的網頁等資料,這些資料係供本網站管理網站流量和網路行為調查進行總量分析,以利於提昇本網站的服務品質,且本網站僅對全體使用者行為總和進行分析,並不會對個別使用者進行分析。
- 除符合下列情形之一,本網站不得將個人資料進行前述特定目的外之利用:(1)法律明文規定。(2)為增進公共利益所必要。(3)為免除當事人之生命、身體、自由或財產上之危險。(4)為防止他人權益之重大危害。(5)公務機關或學術研究機構基於公共利益為統計或學術研究而有必要,且資料經過提供者處理後或經蒐集者依其揭露方式無從識別特定之當事人。(6)經當事人同意。(7)有利於當事人權益。
- 本網站所收集的個人資料將依「個人資料保護法」及相關法律規定處理。本網站絕不會任意出售、交換、或出租任何您的個人資料給其他團體、個人或私人企業。但有下列情形者除外:
- 配合司法單位的調查。
- 配合相關職權機關依職務需要之調查或使用。
- 基於法律需要,或為維護和改進網站服務而用於管理。
- 除有《個人資料保護法》第10條所規定之例外情形外,得向本公司查詢、請求閱覽或請求製給複製本,惟本公司依《個人資料保護法》第14條規定得酌收必要成本費用。
- 得向本公司請求補充或更正,惟依《個人資料保護法》施行細則第19條規定,您應適當釋明其原因及事實
- 本公司如有違反《個人資料保護法》規定蒐集、處理或利用您的個人資料,依《個人資料保護法》第11條第4項規定,您得向本公司請求停止蒐集。
- 依《個人資料保護法》第11條第2項規定,個人資料正確性有爭議者,得向本公司請求停止處理、利用或限制處理您的個人資料。惟依該項但書規定,本公司因執行業務所必須並註明其爭議或經您書面同意者,不在此限。
- 依《個人資料保護法》第11條第3項規定,個人資料蒐集之特定目的消失或期限屆滿時,得向本公司請求刪除、停止處理、利用或限制處理您的個人資料。惟依該項但書規定,本公司因執行業務所必須或經您書面同意者,不在此限。
- 得向本公司請求停止行銷您的個人資料。
- 得向主管機關反應個人資料爭議事項。
關於其他個人資料權益之相關問題,請洽本公司專線(02) 2732-8899 ,或來信 [email protected] 洽詢。如本網站各相關單位或人員有違反本政策之行為時,歡迎來信箱檢舉。
Cookies 或其他類似技術的運用與政策
Cookies 是網站伺服器用來和使用者瀏覽器進行溝通的一種技術,它可能在使用者的電腦中儲存某些資訊。使用者可以經由瀏覽器的設定,取消或限制此項功能。在您的瀏覽器操作說明中可瞭解如何設定接受或拒絕 cookies,如果您選擇拒絕,您將無法使用本網站部分服務項目。網站伺服器僅能讀取讀者 cookie 中在本網站的活動記錄,無法讀取讀者在其他網站的活動記錄。
- 基於對本網站主機安全之維護,本網站已建置網路安全機制,不定期進行弱點掃描與系統漏洞修補。本網站也裝置網路記錄分析系統,對於不明企圖與入侵將被記錄,對於破壞行為或企圖進入伺服主機的異常行為,將進行呈報與攔阻,並通報警政單位。
- 任何危害本網站資訊安全之行為人,視情節輕重追究其民事、刑事責任。
Personal Data Protection Declaration by Conde Nast Taiwan
Welcome to the Vogue, GQ, and Condenast Taiwan websites (hereinafter the Website) Jointly formed by Conde Nast Digital Taiwan Co., Ltd., Interculture Communications Inc., Interculture Total Media Service Co., Ltd., Conde Nast Taiwan Publications Ltd. and new domestic subsidiaries disclosed and announced on the website according to the laws due to future organizational changes (referred to as “the Company“). Your activities on the website and the personal data you provide will be protected in accordance with the regulations of the Personal Data Protection Act (referred to as “PDPA“)of the Republic of China. Without your consent, your name, address, email address, and other legally protected personal data will not be disclosed arbitrarily to any third party outside of the Company’s business partners.
For the purposes of participating in the website's service marketing, market analysis, statistics, or research, or to provide personalized services or value-added services, you agree that the company and its business partners may record, store, and utilize the data and records you provide or generate on the website. Additionally, statistical data may be disclosed or used publicly without revealing specific details of your personal information. The website may record your IP addresses and browsing behavior on the site. However, such data is solely used by the website and its business partners for aggregate analysis of website traffic and user behavior to improve their service. It does not involve your specific personal information.
Before using the website, please carefully read the following content. By starting to use any of the services on the website (including but not limited to completing registration, signing up as a member, verifying or purchasing tickets, browsing web pages, etc.), you will be deemed to have read, understood, and agreed to comply with these terms, including any future amendments or changes to the privacy policy.
If you are under the age of 18 or lack full legal capacity, your parent, legal representative, or guardian must also read, understand, and agree to comply with all the terms of this policy before you continue using the services provided by the website. To help you understand how the website collects, uses, and protects the personal information from you, please carefully review the following details:
Scope of Application
This policy applies to the collection, use, and protection of personal data during your activities on the website. However, it does not apply to other websites that can be accessed via links provided by the Website. Each linked website has its own privacy protection and information security policy, which are independent of the website, and the website assumes no associated responsibility. When you browse these websites, the protection of your personal data is governed by the privacy policy of each respective website.
Collection and Use of Personal Data
The website established this policy to provide safe, usable, and complete services and in accordance with the PDPA to inform you of the following:
- Purpose of Collected Information
The collection and use of personal data are for communication, announcements, business promotion, follow-up handling, event promotion, and record, as well as other business activities aligned with the company's registered business scope or company article. - Type of Personal Data
Personal data includes name, date of birth, email address, contact number, internet protocol (IP) address, browsing history within and outside the website, cookies, and other data that can identify an individual directly or indirectly. - Time of Use of Personal Information
From the date you consent to contacting the company through the website, participating in online activities, or other communication channels, until the end of the period required for specific purposes or the retention period stipulated by applicable laws, contracts, or business practices (whichever is longer). - Subject, Place, and Method of Use of Personal Information
The company will reasonably use your personal data within the scope of specific and necessary purposes and take appropriate security measures to protect it. The regions where your data may be used include Taiwan (including Taiwan, Kinmen, Penghu, and Matsu), and the locations of the company and it’s parent or affiliated companies, both domestic and international, following personal data protection regulations. Data is to be used in both automated and non-automated means that comply with the PDPA. - The website will not collect any personal identification information while you are simply browsing the website or downloading files. However, if you use the online services provided by the website, the accurate and current personal data such as name, national ID number, contact number, email address, and residential address may be required. The website has the right to deny access to services if the information is inaccurate.
- The website may record the user's IP address, time of access, and the pages viewed. This information is used for traffic management and internet behavior analysis for aggregate analysis to enhance service quality. The analysis will only be conducted on the behavior of all users collectively and not on individual users.
- The website shall not use personal data for purposes other than those mentioned above, except in the following circumstances:
- Required by law.
- To promote public interest.
- To prevent danger to the life, body, freedom, or property of the subject.
- To prevent significant harm to the rights and interests of others.
- When necessary for statistical or academic research by public authorities or academic research institutions in the public interest, provided that the data has been processed by the data provider or collected in a way that does not identify specific individuals.
- With the consent of the data subject.
- When it is beneficial to the rights and interests of the data subject.
- The personal data collected by the website will be handled in accordance with the PDPA and relevant laws. The website will never sell, exchange, or rent your personal data to any group, individual, or private enterprise without your consent. However, the following exceptions apply:
- Cooperation with judicial investigations.
- Cooperation with relevant authorities for investigations or use as required by their duties.
- Legally necessary or for the purpose of managing and improving website services.
Information owner's rights and ways to exercise them
Pursuant to Article 3 of PDPA, you may exercise the following rights over your own information held by the Company:
- Except for the circumstances described in Article 10 of PDPA, the right to inquire, review or obtain duplicate copies of information held, for which the Company is permitted under Article 14 of PDPA to collect a small fee to cover its costs.
- The right to supplement or rectify personal information held by the Company. However, Article 19 of the Implementation Rules of the PDPA requires you to state reasons and facts.
- The right to stop the Company from collecting personal information according to Article 11, Paragraph 4 of PDPA in the event that the Company is found to have violated PDPA while collecting, processing or using your personal information.
- The right to stop the Company from processing, using, or limited processing of your personal information, and to have personal information deleted from the Company's database according to Article 11, Paragraph 3 of PDPA, when the purpose for which information was collected no longer exists or when the duration expires. This excludes situations where you have consented in writing or situations where the Company is required to continue its use of the information as part of its business activities.
- The right to stop the Company from marketing your personal information.
- The right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if you believe your data protection rights have been infringed by the Company.
For any other inquiries related to personal data rights, please contact the company at (02) 2732-8899 or email [email protected] . If any unit or personnel of the website violates this policy, you are welcome to report it via email.
Impact of Not Providing Personal Data
You are free to choose whether to provide personal information and the types of information to provide to the Bank. However, if you refuse to provide information that is necessary for due diligence or operational purposes, the Bank may not be able to offer better services or at all. We seek your understanding in this matter.
Use and Policy of Cookies and Similar Technologies
To provide better, more personalized services, facilitate customer participation in interactive activities, and to understand and manage the usage of our websites (including but not limited to analyzing visitor numbers, website traffic, user distribution, product/service interest, activity behavior, and usage patterns), improve the quality of our website services, and provide customized marketing information or advertisements that match customer needs or preferences and track their effectiveness, our websites may use cookies or similar technologies, either directly or through partners, to record, access, and collect your online behavior data.
Cookies are a technology used by website servers to communicate with users' browsers and may store certain information on the user's computer. Users can disable or limit this function through their browser settings. Instructions on how to set your browser to accept or refuse cookies can be found in your browser's user guide. If you choose to refuse, you may not be able to use some services on our website. The website server can only read the activity logs stored in cookies for this site and cannot read your activity logs on other sites.
About Website Security Mechanisms
- To maintain the security of the website's servers, we have implemented cybersecurity mechanisms and conduct regular vulnerability scans and system patching. The website also has a network activity analysis system that records suspicious activities and intrusions. Any disruptive behavior or abnormal attempts to access the server are reported and blocked, and law enforcement is notified when necessary.
- Individuals who pose a threat to the information security of the website will be held accountable for civil or criminal liability, depending on the severity of their actions.
Policy Updates
the Company will update this policy as needed, based on changes in social environments, technological advancements, or legal amendments, to ensure the protection of your personal data and privacy. When modifications to this policy are made, they will be published on the website immediately, so please regularly check and review the updated terms.