- localhost
Awesome-Dev-Portfolios Public
Forked from Matt-code-d/Awesome-Dev-PortfoliosThis repository aims to collect portfolios and their repositories from developers around the world.
shinyscholar Public
Forked from simon-smart88/shinyscholarA template for creating modular shiny applications that meet academic standards and are reproducible
R GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJan 11, 2024 -
tidytuesday_2 Public
Forked from cnicault/tidytuesdayMy contribution to the #TidyTuesday challenge, with the visualizations and code
R UpdatedOct 14, 2023 -
Enchanced-GPT Public
Forked from Ebad-urRehman/Enchanced-GPTA chatbot that read pdf files and give answers about that
awesome-gpt-prompt-engineering Public
Forked from snwfdhmp/awesome-gpt-prompt-engineeringA curated list of awesome resources, tools, and other shiny things for GPT prompt engineering.
Shiny_Password_manager Public
Forked from AltayYuzeir/Shiny_Password_managerYuPass - *Offline* Password manager created with R and Shiny with locally hosted password database and strong AES-256 encryption (32-byte key)
SciColorMaps Public
Forked from RuixLi/sciColorMapMATLAB colormaps for scientific data representation
Matlab-Linux-Install Public
Forked from boredsquirrel/Matlab-Linux-InstallInstall the binary install of matlab in any Linux Distro (Appstarter for KDE)
UpdatedFeb 27, 2023 -
attachment Public
Forked from ThinkR-open/attachmentTools to deal with dependencies in scripts, Rmd and packages
r2resize Public
Forked from oobianom/r2resizeIn-text resizing of containers, images and tables in Rmarkdown documents and Shiny apps/dashboards
milano-air-quality Public
Forked from othomantegazza/milano-air-qualityProof of Concept Dashboard in Quarto
tidytuesday Public
Forked from nrennie/tidytuesdayThis repository contains the R code used to produce my visualisations for the #TidyTuesday challenges.
riskassessment Public
Forked from pharmaR/riskassessmentRisk Assessment Demo App: https://rinpharma.shinyapps.io/risk_assessment
firebase Public
Forked from JohnCoene/firebaseGoogle FIrebase for shiny
explore Public
Forked from rolkra/exploreR package that makes basic data exploration radically simple (interactive data exploration, reproducible data science)
matlab-azure-devops-extension Public
Forked from mathworks/matlab-azure-devops-extensionContinuous Integration with MATLAB on Azure DevOps
shinytreeview Public
Forked from dreamRs/shinytreeviewHierarchical tree input for Shiny apps
cecelia Public
Forked from schienstockd/ceceliaFramework for image and flow cytometry analysis
formods Public
Forked from john-harrold/formodsShiny Modules for General Tasks
PortfolioTracker Public
Forked from lorenzbr/PortfolioTrackerFunctions to track the performance of your investments. It works with the R Shiny App Portfolio Tracker.
labelcolor Public
Forked from NoeDemange/labelcolorApplication shiny pour colorer label phylogΓ©nΓ©tique par groupe
slask-events-bot Public
Python application to notify when tickets for a new event of the Slask Wroclaw basketball team go on sale