Show EOL distros: 

cob_driver: cob_base_drive_chain | cob_camera_sensors | cob_canopen_motor | cob_generic_can | cob_head_axis | cob_hokuyo | cob_hwboard | cob_light | cob_phidgets | cob_relayboard | cob_sick_lms1xx | cob_sick_s300 | cob_sound | cob_undercarriage_ctrl | cob_utilities | cob_voltage_control

Package Summary

This package provides a trajectory controller which controlls velocities for a chain of joints. This controller can be used e.g. with [[schunk_powercube_chain]].

cob_control: cob_base_velocity_smoother | cob_cartesian_controller | cob_collision_velocity_filter | cob_control_mode_adapter | cob_control_msgs | cob_footprint_observer | cob_frame_tracker | cob_model_identifier | cob_obstacle_distance | cob_omni_drive_controller | cob_trajectory_controller | cob_twist_controller

Package Summary

This package provides a trajectory controller which controlls velocities for a chain of joints. This controller can be used e.g. with [[schunk_powercube_chain]].

cob_control: cob_base_controller_utils | cob_base_velocity_smoother | cob_cartesian_controller | cob_collision_velocity_filter | cob_control_mode_adapter | cob_control_msgs | cob_footprint_observer | cob_frame_tracker | cob_hardware_emulation | cob_mecanum_controller | cob_model_identifier | cob_obstacle_distance | cob_omni_drive_controller | cob_trajectory_controller | cob_tricycle_controller | cob_twist_controller

Package Summary

This package provides a trajectory controller which controlls velocities for a chain of joints. This controller can be used e.g. with [[schunk_powercube_chain]].



The cob_trajectory_controller node takes in trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory messages and converts this to velocity commands to the hardware driver.

Action Goal

joint_trajectory_action/goal (pr2_controllers_msgs/JointTrajectoryActionGoal)
  • The goal describes the trajectory for the robot to follow.

Action Result

joint_trajectory_action/result (pr2_controllers_msgs/JointTrajectoryActionResult)
  • empty

Action Feedback

joint_trajectory_action/feedback (pr2_controllers_msgs/JointTrajectoryActionFeedback)
  • empty

Published Topics

/joint_states (sensor_msgs/JointState)
  • Publishes the joint states of all modules.
command_vel (brics_actuator/JointVelocities)
  • Publishes the velocity commands for the hardware driver.


set_joint_velocity (cob_trajectory_controller/SetFloat)
  • Sets the maximum velocity in joint space.
set_joint_acceleration (cob_trajectory_controller/SetFloat)
  • Sets the maximum acceleration in joint space.


~ptp_vel (double, default: Required)
  • Maximum velocity in joint space.
~ptp_acc (double, default: Required)
  • Maximum acceleration in joint space.
~max_error (double, default: Required)
  • Maximum allowed deviation from trajectory before controller is stopped.

Wiki: cob_trajectory_controller (last edited 2012-03-22 11:53:42 by FlorianWeisshardt)