flashrom/serprog SPI programmer implementation for esp32 family
Open-source firmware for Ingenic SoC IP cameras
a simple ESP32 NAT Router with some additional features
A full functional WiFi Repeater (correctly: a WiFi NAT Router)
Tunneling tool for custom tls handshake, with resistance against MiTM,Active detection and more!
A lite version Wi-Fi Mesh, each node can access the network over the IP layer.
Mirror from See for contributing.
Andiodine is a dns-tunneling solutions that allows you tunnel IPv4 data through a DNS server. This is very usable in different situations where internet access is blocked by a firewall, but DNS que…
An ESPHome custom component that implements a WIFI repeater (NAT-ing AP)
RemoteRelay is an alternative ESP8266 firmware for the relay board made by LCTech-inc
Entity type "formset" can leverage webform elements to create exportable form element bundles.
A quick way into a systemd "bottle" for WSL
Quickly rewrite git repository history (filter-branch replacement)
Free and open source streaming software built on OBS and Electron.
OpenMPTCProuter is an open source solution to aggregate multiple internet connections using Multipath TCP (MPTCP) on OpenWrt
Drupal 8 module for exposing Dublin Core metadata in OAI protocol
Project template for Drupal 8 projects with composer | Quick installation via "composer create-project woprrr/drupal8-composer-template:8.3.0"
A Drupal 8 based platform for professional publishers
WebPerf and front-end quality testing tool
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