A collaboration friendly studio for NeRFs
[ECCV 2024] The official repo for "Texture-GS: Disentangling the Geometry and Texture for 3D Gaussian Splatting Editing"
BillBoard Splatting (BBSplat): Learnable Textured Primitives for Novel View Synthesis
Original reference implementation of "GES : Generalized Exponential Splatting for Efficient Radiance Field Rendering" [CVPR 2024]
The official repository for GStex: Per-Primitive Texturing of 2D Gaussian Splatting for Decoupled Appearance and Geometry Modeling
Code of SuperGaussians: Enhancing Gaussian Splatting Using Primitives with Spatially Varying Colors
Original implementation of "3D Convex Splatting: Radiance Field Rendering with 3D Smooth Convexes"
A curated list on piecewise-planar reconstruction
(3DV 2025) AGS-Mesh: Adaptive Gaussian Splatting and Meshing with Geometric Priors for Indoor Room Reconstruction Using Smartphones
[PAMI 2024] A Survey and Benchmark for Automatic Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds
[ECCV 2024] Concise Plane Arrangements for Low-Poly Surface and Volume Modelling
The evaluation method of the accurate and efficient RGB-colorized reconstruction
[CVPR'24, Demo Track Honourable Mention] SuperPrimitive: Scene Reconstruction at a Primitive Level
Finding Good Configurations of Planar Primitives, CVPR2022. Code from
[ICCV 2021] "HPNet: Deep Primitive Segmentation Using Hybrid Representations"
Code for "Point2CAD: Reverse Engineering CAD Models from 3D Point Clouds"
[ECCV2024] Official implementation of PFGS: High Fidelity Point Cloud Rendering via Feature Splatting, feel free to render your colorful point cloud
A python library for fitting 3D geometric shapes
Joint optimization of SDF and Gaussian Splatting
GVKF: Gaussian Voxel Kernel Functions for Highly Efficient Surface Reconstruction in Open Scenes
3D Gaussian Rendering PlayGround: an open-source autonomous driving closed-loop simulator demo using 3D Gaussian Splatting tech
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