bankit Public
Simple back-end application using spring boot to send money between accounts and view history
api_ui Public
React front-end application for the "api_jwt" back-end application using reactstrap.
0auth2_login_signup Public
Social media 0Auth2 login and signup (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google, and Github) and JWT Authorization with user role and permission implemented using Spring boot
todo_flutter Public
Todo app in Flutter. Includes user registration and login and follows the Bloc Pattern. Beautiful lay-outing. Connects to a Rest Backend written in Elixir.
todo_backend Public
Todo Backend application in Elixir Phoenix Framework. Password encrypted using Argon2, JWT authorization implemented and project runs in docker container with Postgres Database and deployed to Heroku.
api_jwt Public
A demonstration of data encryption and decryption using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and RSA Algorithm in Java. A demonstration of JWT Authorization is also shown.
api Public
A demonstration of data encryption and decryption using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and RSA Algorithm in Java. A demonstration of HTTP Basic Authentication is also shown.
LogParser Public
Log parser in Java (Spring boot and Gradle) that parses web server access log file, loads the log to MySQL and checks if a given IP makes more than a certain number of requests for the given duration
edusoft Public
This project is created as part of the software quality course offered in Tallin University of Technology.
HTML UpdatedNov 4, 2018 -
app Public
Python Application - Register a user, upload and compress user image keeping EXIF metadata of image. Fully responsive
LearnPython Public
Checkout code you can easlier use in practice when learning Python
Python UpdatedMar 12, 2018 -
RemitaSplitPayment Public
Remita Split Payment Example using Java Servlet, JSP, JSTL, Jersey and Maven