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Releases: jukibom/FlyDangerous

Early Access Update 2

06 Mar 13:39
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Note! This is the non-steam build without leaderboards etc, it is also available free here


    * Fully rebuilt biome terrain world graph with new biomes:
        * Desert (red, dunes)
        * Tropical
        * Coastline
        * Arctic Tundra / Ice
        * Rebuilt rocky biome
        * Reworked mountain biome from GPU test
        * Ocean / Rivers (with submersible mechanics)
    * Added new boost pad modifiers to level format
    * Added decorative billboards to level format
    * Added two new game modes - laps and puzzle
    * Added 18 new time trial sprint maps and deprecated the old ones (still playable, see collisions feature below!)
    * Added 5 new time trial circuit / laps maps
    * Added 3 new puzzle maps
    * Ship Collisions (Change in collision gameplay means maps reliant on checkpoint rebounds at high end are deprecated)
        * Added visual shield effect for collisions (#183)
        * Added engine capacity penalty on collision proportional to impact (#183)
        * Added boost cancel on collision (#197)
        * Added collision, shield activate and boost cancel sfx (#197)
   * Added bHaptics support for Vest, Arms and Head (#194)
   * Added support for OpenTrack head tracking (#65)
   * Added support for TrackIR head tracking (#65)
   * Added UDP telemetry support for generic motion simulators etc (#65)
   * Added "Drift Cam" option which attempts to look in the direction of travel (within a sensible arc)
       * Added associated options for head snap, smoothing and max rotational extents
    * Added a bit of spit and polish to the title screen
        * Player profile ship is now shown on title screen
    * Added lens flare shaders to ship rear exhausts
        * Note this is disabled in VR (#200) and with MSAA (#199) active.
    * Added support for ultra-wide displays by constraining the UI to a max width (#184)
    * Added Ability to disable VSync (#185 )
    * Device hot-plugging now supported (#153)
    * Added hold binding for alternate flight controls (#177)
    * Added Ultra reflection quality for refresh rate locked to frame rate (use at your own risk :P)
    * Added descriptions to locations in Free Roam menu
    * Added ability to set music volume on main menu independently (as a percentage of music volume)
    * Added wait to beginning of time trials prompting users to hold boost (teach that boost can be early!)
    * Added pride flags and changed "Country" label to "Flag" for profile dropdown  (#203 partial)
    * Added ability set music track in Free Roam mode
    * Added six new music tracks
    * Added map and music track name to first level start
    * Added ability to preview environment and music in Free Roam menu
    * Added track name, author and music track / artist on level load
    * Added bonus surprise terrain
    * Added 3d indicators to ghosts and other players in multiplayer
        * There is no manual targetting system as of yet, you must look directly at a target to initiate the 3d indicator
    * Added new indicators to Calidris cockpit (and only that ship + view, for now) to show proximity alert and overcharge from boost singularities


    * Ship lights now operate as night vision
    * Flight assist rotation correction strength buffed slightly 
    * Interior Calidris cockpit glass reflectivity not quite so glaring anymore 
    * Advanced input mode renamed "Custom" because some people assumed there was no way to rebind controls
    * Increased and standardised primary collider size across ships (shield)
    * Update target overlay font and graphic
    * Level panels load data in once per frame (Level UI element, ghosts, leaderboard entries) to eliminate stutter during menu transitions
    * Moved testing objects scene to new location ("Proving Grounds"), Space scene is now actually empty for map creation
    * Minor rework for leaderboards / ghosts panels, added loading state UI and auto-select players' PB (vs top ghost)
    * Renamed `Throttle Increase / Decrease` to `Throttle Cruise Control Increase / Decrease` for clarity
    * Added right stick click as a default VR calibration input (you're welcome, oddly angry self-important person)
    * Removed GPU test terrain (thank you for feedback! will circle back to this)
    * Better handled fog near distance - should have more terrain visible now
    * Added the ability to push out to 4 max terrain tiles - recommended ONLY with new terrains, legacy terrain will take an eon to load!
    * Finally added loading text to the VR view, it only took a YEAR...
    * Updated to Unity 2022.1.20f1


    * Possible fix for VKBs always reporting "Hat Up" on rebind (thanks to the painful manual debugging efforts of Giskard for this fix!)
    * Was previously possible to unset protected bindings (which cannot then be rebound!)
    * Fixed (hopefully!) occasional rare crash on terrain load (#190)
    * Collision detection should be more accurate at high speeds (speculative detection mode increased collision size with velocity!)
    * Incorrect dimensions on some flags in dropdown (#196)
    * Fixed toggling alternate flight controls resetting axes (#178)
    * No longer possible to ever be underneath the terrain (e.g. through a crack in the tile margins), ship is always pushed up to compensate
    * Bug causing camera damping to be forgotten on restart when using Arcade control scheme
    * Fixed ship params not sticking between levels
    * Fixed relative mouse mode applying return rate before sending input (leading to effectively no input at high return rates) 
    * Culled UI elements from real time reflection probe (whoops!) 
    * Fixed geometry reflecting from the ship perspective when realtime reflections are enabled (just don't ask how, I beg you)
    * Fixed pause menu failing to open first time after restarting after showing results screen
    * Hopefully fixed another enormous pile of input binding bugs + updated to latest input system
    * Sliders now work better with controller / keyboard input with pre-defined increments and horizontal nav locks (UI is paaaaaain)
    * Honestly so many more little fixes that I just didn't bother to detail, this list is already too long

Early Access Update 1

24 May 07:13
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Note! This is the non-steam build, it is also available free here

* Drift hold key binding which does a few things for pilots using various forms of Flight Assist. (FA-OFF this binding does nothing!)
* Disengages both vector and rotational flight assists
* With auto-roll enabled, disables vector thrust
* With auto-roll enabled, disables auto-roll (both in terms of input and correction-to-plane)
* Added mouse to Time Trial results screen
* Added toggle vs hold setting for each flight assist binding (default toggle)
* Added current graphics API to version number to aid in debugging
* Preliminary support for half-speed training mode (Thank you, Lueces!), currently hidden
* Added support for gamepad to the profile / colour selection screen
* Added roll to shoulders / arrow keys when in Arcade mode (not specified in controls diagram, probably not needed!)
* Switched to a system of including the distance to the checkpoint in the split timer calculation - this means all time trial timers are now far more accurate than 0.02 second splits

* On map end, player and replay ships now come to a stop via flight assist rather than either bounce around erratically or just stop at the checkpoint
* Smoke trails generating multiple particles at the exact same position (per-frame random vs per-particle random), this makes smoke look a lot more natural
* Added notice on multiplayer selection making it clear it's a technical preview
* Smoke trails now clear on map restart
* Drastically increased visibility of trails at speed - stationary ships now produce LESS smoke
* Added non-vr camera tweaks:
* Camera now has greater flexibility to pull away during a boost effect - this is more prominent with external cameras
* External cameras shake during boost
* Ship shake effect now occurs while charging a boost (thanks, sanderling!) and is slightly more pronounced during the boost
* Moved Snake to later in the list due to surprising difficulty of the tight corners
* Moved Snake to later in the list due to surprising difficulty of the tight corners

* Swap default roll bindings from arrows to Q and E - arrows are camera!
* Fixed displaying lights in replays
* Properly shut down Steam API on application close
* Incorrect start position on some Time Trial maps due to attempts to correct for proximity to terrain floor
* Options / Profile Menu tooltips could get into an invisible state
* Collision checks on checkpoints use a new system which hopefully dramatically reduces the chances of missing a checkpoint
* New system should be marginally (very marginally) faster to set new times so a leaderboard reset isn't needed
* Stretched flag on profile screen on ultra wide resolutions
* Fixed localised float string causing different level / leaderboard hash (forces invariant)
* Slowdown on multiple retries caused by uncleared debug log text buffer (backtick key shows in-game console)
* Fixed multiplayer failing to connect due to unregistered prefab (no idea how this happened, honestly!)
* Fixed possible soft-lock on results screen by clicking download and immediately selecting a ghost - the refresh replaced the element in a non-selected state

Alpha 7

08 May 14:28
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* Added in-game patch notes (oooo how meta, hello!)
* Added Steam integration (Steam version features only, obviously ...)
* No need to forward IPs on steam!
* New server browser shows games in progress (steam version only)
* Steam Leaderboard integration for Time Trial!
* Added ghost recording for Time Trial:
* As many ghosts as you wish may be enabled
* Personal Best is always recorded as a new ghost, and the fastest time is always enabled by default
* Added sound mixer slider in options menu to reduce or disable sound of ghosts (default 25%) - this acts as a percentage of sound volume
* On Steam version, ghosts are automatically uploaded and retrievable from Leaderboard
* Ghosts can still be shared without steam, IF you can find the file. It must be placed in app data folder,
/StarGoat/FlyDangerous/Save/Records/[levelhash]/[filename].fdr, where levelhash is the same as the associated record time file. Uh, good luck?
* Added ending screen for Time Trial with next level, retry and medal awards.
* Added new ship camera rig
* 5 camera positions + cycle binding: nose, bonnet, cockpit, external, external-far (default keyboard C or pad Y / triangle)
* Added bindings for rotating the camera or looking around in first person (default numpad arrows)
* Added ability to switch between absolute and relative camera rotation
* Added camera controls toggle button (default unbound, default state ON)
* Added mouse look toggle button (default keyboard M, default state OFF)
* Added mouse look bind type (hold vs toggle)
* Added new Arcade control scheme
* Introduces and enables Auto Rotation by default - this applies pitch, roll and yaw based on orientation and lateral inputs
* Uses an entirely separate binding set - this means you can freely switch between the two but Arcade cannot be customised (except for Y axis invert, as that's just always down to preference)
* Added user on-boarding screen to include a brief explanation
* Added Music
* 5 Tracks + Main Menu
* Music manager handles global music state:
* Fade out on change
* Maintain music on level change if next level is same music track
* Ability to have intro + loop section
* Low pass filter on pause
* Added three new time trial maps
* Added country flag dropdown to profile menu - this is shown in multiplayer, leaderboards and ghosts
* Added third person cam FoV slider alongside first person FoV slider
* Added new Checkpoint 3d model (much larger, circular)
* Added Server Browser (Steam only)
* Added Real-time reflections - quite expensive, low by default. Can be disabled entirely.
* Added Soft Shadows - off by default
* Added text explanations for EVERY. SINGLE. THING. in the options menu. Yes, this was tedious. You're welcome.
* Greatly improved options panel non-mouse navigation - still work to be done here (especially tabs and bindings screen!) but much more usable in general.
* Added UI Cancel navigation behaviour (navigate back one page) in main menu
* Ability to set max angular velocity in dev options
* Added new test GPU foliage terrain - performance feedback welcome please!
* Added Free Cam system
* This is NOT a finished feature and was built primarily to capture game footage for a trailer but it's here if you wanna play with it.
* Bindings are no configurable - press F5 to toggle.
* WASD / Gamepad left stick: Move
* Arrows / Gamepad right stick / Mouse : Orientation
* Space, Ctrl / Gamepad triggers: Height
* R / Gamepad north face button: Lock orientation to face ship
* Pause Break / Gamepad start: Freeze time
* -/+ / Gamepad shoulders: increase or decrease movement speed

* Pre-calculate terrain on time trial load (all terrain near checkpoints is pre-loaded)
* This should drastically reduce stuttering but with the trade-off that more is being rendered at any one time. Performance feedback welcome on this please!
* Replaced basic light trails with GPU physics smoke particles based on thrust
* Replaced space dust particle sprites with velocity-dependent line particles
* Tweaked layout of lobby + time trial menus
* Converted ray check to box check for checkpoint collision
* Thruster luminance capped at minimum 50%
* Rotational torque tweaks for a more responsive flight model - feedback welcome here!
* Doubled rotational torque
* Reduced rotational flight assist force (30% interpolation zone => 100% interpolation zone)
* Rotational flight assist max rotation speed increased by 50% (3 rotations / sec)
* Removed the "glass" renderer for UI elements - it was very expensive for very little gain, UI elements (e.g. mouse widget) are now always drawn on top
* Update to Unity 2021.2 (bold or stupid? you decide)

* All supported Gamepads + Joysticks can now be used in main menu UI navigation (still some work to do here, navigation in options menu is awful and may get stuck on textboxes etc)
* Incorrect shadows on terrain worlds (light source below the generated terrain meant no shadows - fixed by making terrain two-sided for shadow generation)
* Thruster lights emitters now respects user color selection
* G force indicator now correctly calculates individual axes
* Updated Unity Input System, should resolve issues with certain HID joysticks (e.g. Virpil) with weird path descriptors
* Boost sfx occasionally being mistimed / too fast
* Axis dead zones failing to save
* Axis dead zones not respecting defaults (0.05) unless overridden by user
* Optimisations around component lookups in update loops (yes I was lazy and yes I paid the price, shut up)
* Were you getting occasionally faster times for the first checkpoint? You probably weren't going mad: converted all game-critical timers to fixed-physics-frame tick counters.
* Fixed mouse position being tied to HMD orientation in VR pause menu
* Thruster UVs rendering incorrectly (rendering both sides)

Alpha 6 bugfix (v0.4.1)

02 Oct 17:53
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  • Multiplayer failing to establish connection (null object check)
  • Multiplayer join menu could have empty textboxes (the placeholder text is fake)
  • Minor medal UI layout fix
  • Tentatively added an OSX build, no idea if it works

Alpha 6 (v0.4.0)

01 Oct 15:16
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* Added new ship, the Calidris!
* Some much-needed Time Trial TLC
    * Added some new PLAYABLE MAPS and it only took six months
    * Added new Time Trial map selection + Level data system
    * Added target medal times to map data
    * Added saved / loaded personal bests
    * Added split time comparison to previous best
    * Added target (medal) times and personal best in-game
    * Added snapshot sfx to checkpoint 
* Added ability to select ship and colors (in new Profile section from main menu)
* Added additional cockpit indicators to calidris (g-force, assist status, limiter, lights, boost status)
* Added independent thrusters with shader effect + spacial audio emitters
* Lots of new sound effects in the cockpit and multiplayer-aware boost + thruster sounds
* Added ship thruster trails (thank you very much to Tavi for spending time with me on that!)
* Added new biome test world with 8k textures, let me know how this performs!
* Ship lights and thrusters are shown on other ships in multiplayer (local player lights are prioritised in renderer)
* Added basic support for gravity
* New Throttle input options:
    * Ability to use the full throttle axis ("Forward Only" mode)
    * New binding to toggle reverse for forward only mode 
    * Ability to bind buttons to increase or decrease a virtual throttle (note: this is immediately reset if any continuous axis input is received)
* New mouse input options:
    * New binding to recenter the mouse on demand
    * Mouse relative return rate - the higher this value, the faster the mouse will return to the centre
    * Mouse power curve - from 1 to 3, this raises input to the power of the slider to follow tighter curve
    * Added ability to force relative mouse on when rotational flight assist is disabled
* Added audio volume preferences - master, music, sound effects and ui can be set independently
* Cockpit camera FOV increase in non-VR mode under forward acceleration


* Updated to Unity 2021.1.17f1
* Flight model changes to improve maneuverability while not boosting (thanks, Carda!)
    * Halved the default boost multiplier
    * Halved the torque multiplier
    * Doubled the base thrust force to compensate
* Increased terrain world draw distance by 1 tile in all graphics scenarios (so anywhere from 33 to 100 percent increase)
* Free roam now has ability to select location (removed experimental terrain flag)
* Updated Cloudy terrain to have a more interesting skybox
* Split boost sound between front and back and made boost action + sound multiplayer-aware (the doppler effect is *AWESOME*)
* VR HMD position => input bind (default F11) now works in pause menu etc, should *always* restore position from preferences
* Checkpoint collision checking now uses velocity-based raycasts and should work with any arbitrary speed
* Cleaned up the bindings UI - now within one tab with related bindings grouped together
* Minor change to options UI - small `+` button replaced with full header with animations - people were missing it and it's a lot more obvious now.
* Tweaked exact positions of sun light sources


* Fog no longer interacts with transparent objects (e.g. checkpoint)
* VR view no longer brighter in right eye on terrain v1 (?!)
* Cockpit camera position is now clamped for ridiculously fast builds
* Options menu correctly re-initialises on show (previously maintained unsaved changes)
* Space dust no longer fails to move origin with ship
* Split timer fade out works correctly if two checkpoints are hit close together (would fade out super fast as an extra co-routine would start)
* Fixed race condition with floating origin as it previously updated outside the physics update loop (oops!)
* Mouse widget UI elements resets to center if mouse input is disabled (Thank you Lignar!)
* [Linux] Mouse constrains to window correctly (Thank you Lignar!)
* [Linux] Scroll speed + direction now consistent with windows build (Thank you Lignar!)
* Converted mouse widget to proper unity sprites - should no longer have white fringes :|