University of Texas at Austin
- Austin, TX
(UTC -06:00) - omeedtehrani.com
- Pro
parallel-gpus Public
Forked from msuv08/parallel-gpusGigaAPI is a user-space API that simplifies multi-GPU programming, bridging the gap between the capabilities of parallel GPU systems and the ability of developers to harness their full potential. T…
tiny-gpu Public
Forked from adam-maj/tiny-gpuA minimal GPU design in Verilog to learn how GPUs work from the ground up
SystemVerilog UpdatedApr 28, 2024 -
This repository encompasses the files for research within the RobIn Lab (Robotic Interactive Intelligence Lab).
Python UpdatedMay 4, 2023 -
learning-ikd-drifting Public
Forked from msuv08/autonomous-vehicle-driftingUsing inverse kinodynamics to perform drifting on small scale autonomous vehicle known as UT Automata.
C++ UpdatedApr 30, 2023 -
robomimic-decision-transformer Public
Forked from jakegrigsby/robomimic-decision-transformerReturn-Conditioned Imitation Learning for robomimic
Python UpdatedNov 29, 2022 -
fma-genre-detection Public
Forked from achandlr/Music-Genre-ClassifierComparing traditional machine learning techniques to modern approaches for audio genre classification.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedNov 25, 2022 -
omeedtehrani.com Public
Code that corresponds to my latest website (blog posts, research information, about me, etc)
HTML UpdatedNov 20, 2022 -
Short experiment on understanding BLAS, Fortran, C in the scope of Python and NumPy for a common operation, matrix multiplication.
Python UpdatedNov 20, 2022 -
Design, implementation and training of a Deep Neural Network (DNN) to control agent in STC world.
nativefier Public
Forked from nativefier/nativefierMake any web page a desktop application
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedOct 17, 2022 -
investopedia-trading-api Public
Forked from kirkthaker/investopedia-trading-apiAn api, written in Python, for Investopedia's paper trading stock simulator.
Python Other UpdatedAug 18, 2022 -
learning-hub Public
A web application that was initially designed to serve as a side resource for students of a programming course. Never approved for production, but contains several interesting features.
HTML UpdatedJul 26, 2022 -
jarvisstartup-macos Public
This is a compilation of what files exist on my MacBook Pro that turns it into Jarvis, the AI system from Iron Man.
ocaml-practice Public
Code files of me practicing the barebone basics of Ocaml. We all start somewhere! :)
OCaml UpdatedMar 21, 2022 -
BFEdevSolutions Public
Forked from pinglu85/BFEdevSolutionsSolutions to problems that I solved on bigfrontend.dev
UpdatedFeb 3, 2022 -
hook_em_auth Public
Multi-language, framework based iOS application that was created with the sole intention of learning data management, reusable component creation, security with recaptcha, user phone verification a…
JavaScript UpdatedDec 21, 2021 -
twitter-webscraping Public
By using unique Python libraries, this script executes chromedriver with edited options, and then goes through the portions of a page, similar to what you see in "Inspect Element", and parses speci…
Python UpdatedDec 21, 2021 -
personal-website-fall2021 Public
My website code from the UTCS lab machines, used during the Fall 2021 semester for recruitment and as a resource for my students.
UpdatedDec 21, 2021 -
algorithmic-trading Public
Code collection of mini-projects to learn about algorithmic and high frequency trading.
UpdatedDec 21, 2021 -
personal-website-spr2021 Public
Updated personal website for Spring 2021 semester which includes information for my CS312 students. Website uses HTML, JavaScript and CSS.
CSS UpdatedDec 20, 2021 -
OfficeHourStatus Public
Webpage built with HTML, JavaScript and PHP to live update based on the current active Office Hours in CS312 (Fall 2021).
PHP UpdatedAug 31, 2021 -
programming-language Public
Began production of a programming language to better understand the depths of how they work and to be able to interpret new languages better. This is my current project and is in progress.
UpdatedMar 1, 2021