AEI: Actors-Environment Interaction with Adaptive Attention for Temporal Action Proposals Generation
A pytorch-version implementation codes of paper: "AEI: Actors-Environment Interaction with Adaptive Attention for Temporal Action Proposals Generation", which is accepted in BMVC 2021.
- conda create -n aei python=3.8
- conda activate aei
- conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
- pip install tqdm pandas tensorboard matplotlib fvcore scipy
- cd into tapg-aei (root)
- git clone
- cd into tapg-aei/align1d
- pip install -e .
- cd ..
3D Resnet-50 features extracted from rescaled videos of ActivityNet-1.3 can be downloaded below:
- Environment features are here (~80GB uncompressed).
- Actor features are here (~215GB uncompressed).
- Annotations of Activitynet-1.3 can be downloaded from the official website.
Default configurations of AEI are stored in config/ The modified configurations are stored in config/*.yaml for training and testing of AEI on different datasets (ActivityNet-1.3 and THUMOS-14). We can also modify configurations through commandline arguments.
- To train AEI on TAPG task of ActivityNet-1.3 with 1 GPU:
python --cfg-file config/anet_proposals.yaml MODE 'training' GPU_IDS [0]
- To evaluate AEI on validation set of ActivityNet-1.3 with 1 GPU:
python --cfg-file config/anet_proposals.yaml MODE 'validation' GPU_IDS [0]
This implementation is partly based on this pytorch-implementation of BMN for the boundary matching module.
paper: AEI: Actors-Environment Interaction with Adaptive Attention for Temporal Action Proposals Generation
1q. "UserWarning: This DataLoader will create 12 worker processes in total. Our suggested max number of worker in current system is #, which is smaller than what this DataLoader is going to create. Please be aware that excessive worker creation might get DataLoader running slow or even freeze, lower the worker number to avoid potential slowness/freeze if necessary."
1a. Change num_workers to # in line 171 of root>>inference function
If you find AEI useful for your research, please consider citing:
author = {Khoa Vo and
Hyekang Joo and
Kashu Yamazaki and
Sang Truong and
Kris Kitani and
Minh{-}Triet Tran and
Ngan Le},
title = {{AEI:} Actors-Environment Interaction with Adaptive Attention for
Temporal Action Proposals Generation},
booktitle = {32nd British Machine Vision Conference 2021, {BMVC} 2021, Online,
November 22-25, 2021},
pages = {111},
publisher = {{BMVA} Press},
year = {2021},
url = {}
Khoa Vo: