You could shed over 11 pounds in just 30 DAYS! Hims uses the same active ingredient as Ozempic (and you DON'T need insurance)

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It's no secret that losing weight can be a challenge. What's not a secret anymore is that thousands of people have turned to medication to help them reach their goal.

While that can come at a significant cost, Hims has transformed the industry (and changed lives!) by offering comprehensive weight loss treatment plans that are actually affordable to support you through your journey.

Offering treatments like oral medication kits or compounded GLP-1 injections containing the same active ingredient as Ozempic and Wegovy, Hims is simple and holistic — and may be just what you need to begin feeling your best again.

Hims Weight Loss 

Ready to feel your best? Let Hims help you with a comprehensive weight loss treatment plan that is personalized to meet your needs.

Simply fill out a quick questionnaire including details about your goals and lifestyle. The information is reviewed by a licensed healthcare provider. 

If prescribed, your plan will include either an oral medication kit or compounded GLP-1 medications, plus unlimited online check-ins.

Get Started 
Hims users have reported fantastic results following the holistic program, which includes personalized treatment options to meet your unique needs

Hims users have reported fantastic results following the holistic program, which includes personalized treatment options to meet your unique needs

This innovative approach has proven to be a massive game-changer for millions who've sought to finally take control of their weight — no looking back.

Forget dealing with membership fees and hidden costs. Hims is completely transparent, providing you with clear, accessible options that are easy to understand. With options to purchase plans for a month or to increase to three, six, or 12 months, Hims has solutions to meet your needs.

The process begins with an online assessment, through which a licensed healthcare provider can learn about your goals, your health, and your lifestyle.

Your Hims journey begins with a simple online assessment to provide details about your health goals, eating habits, and lifestyle

Your Hims journey begins with a simple online assessment to provide details about your health goals, eating habits, and lifestyle

All of this information is vital, as they can then determine if you're a candidate for a tailor-made plan including either an oral medication kit or compounded GLP-1 injections (which contain the same active ingredient found in Ozempic and Wegovy).

The prescription is just one key piece of the puzzle, as Hims also provides unlimited check-ins with a healthcare provider. This ensures you receive the support and regular care needed to help you stay on the right track.

Plus, your treatment plan is truly made just for you — because losing weight is never a one-size-fits-all approach. Hims bases your plan on everything from your health history and goals to your lifestyle and eating habits.

It's realistic, it's doable, and it's intuitive, too. You can use the companion Hims app to stay focused, motivated, and guided during the course of your journey. Need to track your meds? Want some valuable wellness tips? It's all there.

Simple, affordable, and tailor-made to suit your specific needs, Hims takes a comprehensive approach to help you feel your best

Simple, affordable, and tailor-made to suit your specific needs, Hims takes a comprehensive approach to help you feel your best

That's crucial, because Hims emphasizes what really matters: Taking care of yourself through eating right, sleeping well, and making regular movement a part of your day. This is part of the well-rounded approach that makes Weight Loss by Hims apart.

And that approach could be just what you need, especially when paired with the right prescription. Hand-selected pills from Hims contain ingredients specifically chosen to match your profile, like vitamin B12 and metformin.

Ready to get started? There's no time like the present to take steps to feel better about yourself — through the doctor-trusted, personalized treatment options from Hims.

Not available in all 50 states. Weight Loss by Hims & Hers is a holistic program that includes nutrition support, technological tools, and compounded GLP-1 injections or medication kits including customized compounded medications prescribed based on what your provider determines is medically appropriate and necessary for you. See website for full details, important safety information, and restrictions, including online provider consultation requirements. 

Ozempic® (semaglutide) and Wegovy® (semaglutide) are not compounded. Ozempic® is FDA-approved for type 2 diabetes treatment but may be prescribed off-label for weight loss at a healthcare provider's discretion. Wegovy® is FDA-approved for weight loss. 

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