Doctor Who (1963–1989)
Peter Davison: The Doctor, Omega
The Doctor : Oh, marvellous. You're going to kill me. What a finely-tuned response to the situation.
The Doctor : Dreams are important... never underestimate them.
Lord Palmerdale : Are you in charge here?
The Doctor : No, but I'm full of ideas.
The Doctor : I'm not helping you, officially. And if anyone happens to ask whether I made any material difference to the welfare of this planet, you can tell them I came and went like a summer cloud.
The Fifth Doctor : If the freighter crashes into Earth with you onboard, won't that make it rather difficult for you to carry out your task? I mean, you would be very crumpled.
Fitzwilliam : He is said to be the best swordsman in France.
The Doctor : Well, fortunately, we are in England.
Adric : So what is a railway station?
The Doctor : Well, a place where one embarks and disembarks from compartments on wheels drawn along these tracks by a steam engine - rarely on time
Nyssa : What a very silly activity.
The Doctor : You think so? As a boy, I always wanted to drive one.
The Doctor : How do you feel now?
Tegan : Groggy, sore and bad tempered.
The Doctor : Almost your old self.
The Doctor : [on the TARDIS] As an invasion weapon, you'd have to agree that it's about as offensive as a chicken vol-au-vent.
The Doctor : Like Alice, I try to believe three impossible things before breakfast.
The Doctor : Maybe I am getting too young for this sort of thing.
The Doctor : This is madness. The Daleks won't thank you for capturing me, they'll kill you.
Stein : I didn't quite tell you the truth. I serve the Daleks. I'm a Dalek agent.
[Daleks enter and surround The Doctor]
Daleks : Exterminate the doctor!
Daleks : Exterminate the doctor! Exterminate! Exterminate!
The Doctor : This is madness. The Daleks won't thank you for capturing me, they'll kill you.
Stein : I didn't quite tell you the truth. I serve the Daleks. I'm a Dalek agent.
[daleks enter and surround The Doctor]
Daleks : Exterminate the doctor!
Daleks : Exterminate the doctor! Exterminate! Exterminate!