Game of Thrones (TV Series)
What Is Dead May Never Die (2012)
Gethin Anthony: Renly Baratheon
[Catelyn and her escorts arrive at Renly's camp, where a tournament is held: Loras Tyrell fights another knight. Loras is armed with axe, while his opponent uses a flail. Renly and his queen Margaery are watching. The crowd cheers for the opponents, mostly for Loras. Margaery stands on her feet and cheers for her brother]
Margaery Tyrell : Loras! Highgarden!
[Loras knocks his opponent's shield away, then the flail. The other knight charges at Loras, grabs him by the waist and knocks him to the ground. The crowd boos in disapproval. Loras' opponent opens his visor and holds a dagger near his unprotected face]
Loras Tyrell : I yield! I yield!
[Margaery sits down, disappointed at her brother's defeat. The winning knight stands and sheathes the dagger. Loras stands and quickly moves away from his opponent]
Renly Baratheon : [claps his hands] Well fought! Approach.
[Loras removes his helmet. His opponent approaches Renly and bows]
Renly Baratheon : Rise. Remove your helm.
[the knight rises and removes the helmet. Catelyn and the rest of the crowd are surprised to see it is a woman - Brienne of Tarth]
Renly Baratheon : You are all your father promised and more, my lady. I've seen Ser Loras bested once or twice, but... never quite in that fashion.
[Loras is visibly annoyed to hear that]
Margaery Tyrell : Now, now, my love. My brother fought valiantly for you.
[Renly smiles at his queen]
Renly Baratheon : That he did, my queen. But there can be only one champion! Brienne of Tarth, you may ask anything of me you desire. If it is within my power, it is yours.
Brienne of Tarth : [bows gracefully] Your Grace, I ask the honor of a place in your Kingsguard.
[the crowd gasps, for this is unprecedented request]
Loras Tyrell : [quietly] What?
Brienne of Tarth : I will be one of your seven, pledge my life to yours, and keep you safe from all harm.
[after long moment of silence, Renly answers:]
Renly Baratheon : Done! Rise, Brienne of the Kingsguard.
[Renly claps his hands, and Margaery joins him. The crowd applauds, but rather feebly. Brienne stands. Catelyn and one of her escorts approach]
[after Loras reminds Renly him that Margaery is still a virgin]
Renly Baratheon : I should warn you, I - I've had quite a bit of wine.
Margaery Tyrell : As is your right. You are a king.
Renly Baratheon : You look very beautiful.
Margaery Tyrell : Thank you, Your Grace.
Renly Baratheon : It's a lovely gown.
Margaery Tyrell : You think so? I can't decide how I like it better. This way... or... this way.
[Margaery removes her bustier. Renly glances uneasily at her bare breasts]
Renly Baratheon : You certainly don't need it.
[Margaery closes in for a kiss]
Renly Baratheon : Although... some say the beauty most desired is... the beauty concealed.
[Margaery showers Renly with kisses, but there is no desired response]
Renly Baratheon : Must be the wine, I...
Margaery Tyrell : [smiles] Here, let me...
[Margaery showers Renly with kisses, but there is no desired response]
Margaery Tyrell : Do you want my brother to come in and help?
Renly Baratheon : [dismayed] What?
Margaery Tyrell : He could get you started. I know he wouldn't mind. Or I can turn over, and you can pretend I'm him.
[Margaery turns a bit sideways]
Renly Baratheon : [shivering] I don't know what you're talking about.
[Renly stands aside]
Margaery Tyrell : There's no need for us to play games. Save your lies for court. You're going to need a lot of them.
[Margaery sits down next to Renly]
Margaery Tyrell : Your enemies aren't happy about us. They want to tear us apart. And the best way to stop them... is to put your baby... in my belly. We can try again later. You decide how you want to do it, with me, with me and Loras, however else you like. Whatever you need to do. You... are a king.
[Margaery gently kisses Renly's cheek]