Setting Up A Development Environment

A brief outline of the required steps for setting up a develoment environment is as follows:

  1. Clone the source code from Github
  2. Install the dependencies
  3. Install and build the source code

The steps below are focused on the menpo package. However, the procedure is identical for all the packages of the Menpo Project (menpofit, menpodetect, menpocli, menpo3d).

1. Clone The Source Code From Github

Go to Github and fork the menpo repository, so that you can make pull requests back to the Menpo project. This should provide you with a newly created repository on your Github account that contains the menpo Python code. For the rest of the tutorial, let us assume the Github username is username. You can now clone the menpo source to your machine:

$ git clone

You can also add an upstream remote that links to the menpo repository of the Menpo organization.

$ git remote add upstream

This will allow you to fetch/merge the latest changes on our repository. If you are using Windows you may want to use Github Desktop. You should now have a folder that contains all of the menpo source code.

2. Install The Dependencies

We advise that you create a new conda environment for your Menpo development, which we will call menpo_dev:

$ conda create -n menpo_dev python
$ source activate menpo_dev
(menpo_dev) $

Now, it is necessary to acquire all of the menpo dependencies. The simplest way to do this is just conda install and then conda remove the menpo package! Additionally, it is preferable to install the latest development version of menpo from conda. This will install the most recently successful commit from the git repository and ensure you receive all the latest, correct dependencies.

(menpo_dev) $ conda install -c menpo/channel/master menpo
(menpo_dev) $ conda remove menpo

Now all the menpo dependencies are satisfied and in your environment. We do this because we believe it is easier to use conda than pip to satisfy the dependencies, particularly for packages such as vlfeat that have complex building processes.

3. Install And Build The Source Code

To install a development copy of menpo (one that you can edit and then see those changes reflected in your environment) - we will use pip. Now, it is important to note that this is contrary to the previous instructions whereby we are always using conda to satisfy our dependencies. However, pip has an excellent editable workflow and will create all the necessary egg links that are required for using source that doesn't exist directly within site-packages. In short, we want to do:

(menpo_dev) $ conda install pip cython
(menpo_dev) $ pip install -e ./menpo --no-deps

There are a few things to note:

  1. We installed pip inside the menpo_dev environment. conda and pip play well together - however you may only install a package using either conda installed or pip installed. If you install a package using both conda and pip, the conda package will always be preferred. You can check the state of your environment by using the conda list command.
  2. We use pip to perform an editable install (-e), on the ./menpo root source folder, and told pip not to install any dependencies, since we already satisfied them with conda.
  3. We also installed cython. menpo contains a number of Cythonized files that provide access to more efficient C-based code. You will notice that during install, pip also uses cython to build the code into Python extensions. On Linux, this should work out of the box. On macOS, you will need to install XCode. On Windows, you will need to have the correct version of Visual Studio installed for your chosen version of Python (Visual Studio 2008 for Python 2.7, Visual Studio 2010 for Python 3.4 and Visual Studio 2015 for Python 3.5). Note that setting up a working build environment on Windows is very complicated and for this reason Unix is recommended for development.

Congratulations! You successfully installed a development version of menpo! Now, any changes you make within the ./menpo source folder will be reflected by any Python interpreter run from within the menpo_dev conda environment.

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