Expert Quick Start

If you are an advanced user who is comfortable in the terminal, here is a quick start guide:

  1. Download and install Miniconda for your platform and architecture.
  2. Install Conda by executing the installer you just downloaded. On Linux/macOS it's a bash script:
    $ cd ~/Downloads
    $ chmod +x
    $ ./
    On Windows, just double-click and follow the instructions. After installing, open a terminal/command prompt and confirm you can access the conda command.
  3. Create a fresh conda environment by using
    $ conda create -n menpo python
  4. Activate the environment. Linux/macOS:
    $ source activate menpo
    C:\>activate menpo
    Note that post installation, when you want to come back to use Menpo, you will need to re-run this activation command to gain access to the code you are about to install. Although you might think this is a pain, it's the price to be paid for having a totally isolated Python install for Menpo.
  5. Install all the Menpo Project packages and all of their dependencies:

    (menpo)$ conda install -c conda-forge menpo menpo3d menpofit

    If you don't need all the packages, you can explicitly install a specific package with its dependencies as:

    (menpo)$ conda install -c conda-forge menpo
    (menpo)$ conda install -c conda-forge menpofit
    (menpo)$ conda install -c conda-forge menpodetect
    (menpo)$ conda install -c conda-forge menpocli
    (menpo)$ conda install -c conda-forge menpo3d
  6. Head over to the Examples page to begin experimenting with Menpo.

    We strongly advise you to read the User Guides for all the packages in order to understand the basic concepts behind the Menpo Project. They can be found in:

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