Syarat-syarat Penggunaan dan Maklumat Undang-undang
Selamat Datang ke StrawberryNET.Com.
StrawberryNET.Com (Strawberry Cosmetics (Services) Ltd) dan rakan-rakan kongsinya memberi perkhidmatan kepada anda dengan syarat-syarat yang berikut. Sekiranya anda melayari atau membuat pembelian di StrawberryNET.Com, anda menerima syarat-syarat ini. Sila baca syarat-syaratnya dengan teliti. Ia menerangkan apa yang anda boleh dapatkan dari kami dan apa yang kami inginkan dari anda. Dengan memasuki sebarang layar StrawberryNET.Com, pengguna ("Pengguna") bersetuju untuk terikat dengan undang-undang dan syarat-syarat terma yang tersebut di bawah.
Sila rujuk Notis Peribadi kami, di mana ia merangkumi pelayaran anda ke StrawberryNET.Com untuk mengetahui amalan kami.
Apabila anda melayari StrawberryNET.Com atau menghantar e-mel kepada kami, anda sedang berkomunikasi dengan kami secara elektronik. Kami akan berkomunikasi dengan anda melalui e-mel or secara memaparkan di laman ini. Anda bersetuju dengan semua perjanjian, notis-notis, paparan dan lain-lain komunikasi yang kami berikan kepada anda secara elektronik memenuhi sebarang keperluan undang-undang seperti mana komunikasi secara bertulis.
Semua kandungan yang berkaitan dengan StrawberryNET.Com di laman ini, sama ada teks, grafik-grafik, logo-logo, butang-butang ikon, klip-klip audio, muat turun-muat turun digital, pengumpulan-pengumpulan data dan perisian, adalah hak yang sah StrawberryNET.Com atau pembekal-pembekal kandungan dan di bawah naungan undang-undang hakcipta antarabangsa.Semua pengumpulan-pengumpulan kandungan StrawberryNET.Com di laman ini adalah hak ekslusif StrawberryNET.Com atau perisian pembekal-pembekalnya dan dipelihara oleh undang-undang hak cipta antarabangsa.
StrawberryNET.Com dan semua tanda-tanda perdagangan berkaitan StrawberryNET yang dipaparkan di laman kami adalah tanda-tanda perdagangan StrawberryNET.Com dan anak-anak syarikat, dan sebarang grafik-grafik, logo-logo, kepala mukasurat, butang-butang ikon, skrip-skrip, dan nama-nama perkhidmatan adalah tanda perdagangan atau baju perdagangan StrawberryNET.Com atau anak-anak syarikatnya. Tanda-tanda perdagangan dan baju perdagangan StrawberryNET.Com tidak boleh digunakan untuk sebarang barangan atau perkhidmatan yang tidak berkaitan dengan StrawberryNET.Com, dengan apa cara sekalipun yang mungkin akan mengelirukan para pelanggan, atau dengan cara yang boleh mencacatkan dan mencemarkan nama StrawberryNET.Com.
Lain-lain tanda perdagangan, nama-nama syarikat, dan/atau logo-logo yang dipaparkan di laman web ini, termasuk semua yang berkaitan dengan sebarang barangan-barangan, adalah hak terpelihara pemilik-pemilik yang berkenaan. StrawberryNET.Com tidak menuntut sebarang tanda-tanda perdagangan ini dan StrawberryNET.Com tidak mempunyai pertalian, atau menandatangani, atau dalam apa cara sekalipun mempunyai kaitan atau hubungan dengan syarikat-syarikat ini.
StrawberryNET.Com dengan nyatanya bersetuju bahawa penggunaan StrawberryNET.Com, adalah di atas risiko pengguna. StrawberryNET.Com, atau rakan-rakan kongsi, atau pegawai-pegawai, pengurus-pengurus, atau pekerja-pekerja, agen-agen, pembekal kandungan pihak ketiga, pedagang-pedagang, penaja-penaja, pemegang-pemegang lesen (secara keseluruhannya, "Pembekal"), atau yang berkenaan, menyatakan bahawa StrawberryNET.Com akan tidak diganggu dan bebas kesilapan; atau mereka yang berkaitan tidak memberi sebarang jaminan terhadap keputusan yang didapati dari penggunaan StrawberryNET.Com, atau di atas ketepatan, kepercayaan, atau maklumat terkini kandungan, perkhidmatan, atau dagangan yang dibekalkan melalui StrawberryNET.Com. Laman ini dibekalkan oleh StrawberryNET.Com atas dasar "seperti ini" dan "telah tersedia". StrawberryNET.Com tidak membuat sebarang pewakilan atau jaminan dalam apa segi sekalipun, menyarankan atau membayangkan sesuatu ke atas operasi laman ini, sebarang maklumat, kandungan, material-material atau barangan-barangan yang termasuk di dalam laman ini. Dengan syarat-syarat yang dibenarkan oleh undang-undang, StrawberryNET.Com menyangkal sebarang jaminan, sama ada dinyatakan atau dibayangkan, termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada, bayangan jaminan-jaminan barang dagangan dan keselesaan untuk tujuan tertentu. StrawberryNET.Com tidak akan bertanggungjawab atas sebarang kerosakan yang terjadi kerana penggunaan lamannya, atau dari barangan yang telah dibeli dari lamannya, termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada kerosakan langsung dan tidak langsung, sengaja atau tidak disengajakan, dan akibat langsung kerosakan. Sebarang nasihat lisan atau maklumat bertulis yang diberikan oleh StrawberryNET.Com atau rakan-rakan kongsinya, atau pegawai-pegawainya, pengurus-pengurus, pekerja-pekerja, agen-agen, pembekal-pembekal, atau yang berkenaan tidak bertindak sebagai jaminan atau sebagai obligasi undang-undang; atau pengguna bergantung kepada sebarang maklumat dan nasihat yang diberikan.
StrawberryNET.Com berhak untuk menukar sebarang harga yang diiklankan sebelum menerima sebarang pesanan. Semua barangan adalah bergantung kepada ketersediaan barangan dan boleh diberhentikan pada bila-bila masa. Sekiranya kami tidak dapat memenuhi pesanan anda, andan akan ditawarkan barangan alternatif atau mengembalikan wang untuk barangan yang tidak ada.
All users create an account when they place an order with StrawberryNET.com and are automatically enrolled into our loyalty programme. A user's account is recognized by the email address first used to place their order. Users must notify us if their email address changes so we can transfer their loyalty discount and other relevant information to their new account.
Each account holder has the ability to register their account to access account management features such as checking order histories or leaving product reviews. Access to these features requires a password. It is the user's responsibility to create a strong password; keep their password confidential and change their password if they believe it has been revealed to a third party.
The user is responsible for all actions on the user's account and for maintaining their personal information accurately.
StrawberryNET.Com does sell children's products, but it sells them to adults, who can purchase with a credit card. If you are under 18, you may use StrawberryNET.Com only with involvement of a parent or guardian.
When placing an order you undertake that all details you provide to us are true and accurate, that you are an authorized user of the credit or debit card used to place your order and that there are sufficient funds to cover the cost of the goods.
Sekiranya anda memilih untuk membayar dengan kad kredit dan pembayaran akan diproses melalui Pemeroleh Eropah, syarat-syarat ini adalah perjanjian antara anda dan Payco Bhd Untuk sebarang jenis pembelian, syarat-syarat ini adalah perjanjian antara anda dan Strawberry Kosmetik(perkhidmatan) Bhd dan barangan dan / atau perkhidmatan yang akan dihantar oleh Strawberry Kosmetik (Perkhidmatan) Bhd secara langsung.
Customers are eligible to submit a product rating and review for display on the website provided they have had one shipped order and have registered their account to access the account management features of this website.
StrawberryNET.com reserves the right to reject, edit or remove any content at our sole discretion.
Users who submit their content grant StrawberryNET.com: irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free and fully sub-licensable and transferrable rights to use, copy, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, and display such content throughout the world in any media format.
The user represents that they are the sole author, owner or control all rights to the content submitted. That the content submitted is accurate and that all 'moral rights' in such content have been voluntarily waived.
Furthermore, the user agrees not to submit any content that is known to be false, inaccurate or misleading; breach any third party's copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other proprietary rights or rights of publicity or privacy; that may be considered defamatory, libellous or hateful; any content for which compensation was granted by any third party.
The user agrees to indemnify and hold StrawberryNET.com harmless from all claims, demands and damages brought by a third party against StrawberryNET.com that arise as a result of content and materials supplied by the user.
StrawberryNET.Com dan rakan-rakan kongsinya berusaha sebaik mungkin supaya segala maklumat setepat yang mungkin. Akan tetapi StrawberryNET.Com tidak dapat menjamin yang huraian-huraian barangan atau kandungan lain di laman ini tepat, sempurna, jelas, terkini, boleh dipercayai atau tanpa kesilapan. Sekranya sesuatu barangan yang ditawarkan oleh StrawberryNET.Com tidak seperti yang dihuraikan, anda patut mengembalikan semula barangan tersebut dalam keadaan asal dan tidak terpakai.
Berkenaan dengan Merchant Dropshipping
StrawberryNET bukanlah penjual atau pembekal. Jika pembeli dan penjual mempunyai sebarang pertikaian transaksi, mereka perlu berbincang dan berurusan antara pembeli dan penjual sendiri. StrawberryNET hanya akan campur tangan dalam insiden yang dilaporkan ke agensi kerajaan.
Laman ini dicipta dan dikawal oleh StrawberryNET.Com di Hong Kong. Kerana itu, undang-undang Hong Kong akan meliputi semua penyangkalan, syarat-syarat, tanpa memberi kesan terhadap sebarang prinsip-prinsip konflik undang-undang. StrawberryNET.Com berhak untuk membuat sebarang pertukaran ke atas laman webnya dan penyangkalan-penyangkalan yang berkenaan, dan syarat-syarat pada bila-bila masa. Pengguna tanpa sebarang syarat dan ketentuan memberi kebenaran untuk mengikuti dan akur kepada perundangan esklusif mahkamah-mahkamah Hong Kong untuk sebarang urusan perundangan yang terbit dari atau berkaitan dengan sebarang pembelian yang dibuat melalui StrawberryNET.Com (dan bersetuju untuk tidak mengambil tindakan undang-undang berkaitan kecuali di mahkamah-mahkamah yang berkaitan) mengecualikan sebarang bangkangan terhadap tempat perundangan di Mahkamah-mahkamah Hong Kong dan bersetuju untuk tidak merayu atau menuntut di mana-mana Mahkamah Hong Kong bahawa sebarang tindakan undang-undang berkaitan telah dibawa dan dibincangkan secara tidak rela dalam forum.
Sila teliti polisi-polisi kami, semuanya boleh didapati di bawah Perkhidmatan Pelanggan, yang dipaparkan di laman ini. Polisi-polisi ini mengrangkumi lawatan anda ke StrawberryNET.Com. Kami berhak membuat sebarang pertukaran ke atas laman kami, polisi-polisi, dan Syarat-syarat Penggunaan pada bila-bila masa. Sekiranya sebarang syarat-syarat ini didapati tidak sah, atau kerana sebab-sebab yang tidak membolehkan syarat-syarat ini dijalankan, keadaan ini akan dianggap tegas dan beroperasi selagi yang dibolehkan oleh undang-undang, dan tidak akan menjejaskan kesahihan syarat-syarat yang selanjutnya.
Kami tidak akan bertanggungjawab di atas sebarang kesilapan menaip atau ketidak tepatan yang tertera di laman web ini. Sebarang maklumat, harga-harga, dan diskaun yang dipaparkan di sini boleh ditukar tanpa sebarang notis.
Point Rewards Program
1. Membership & Eligibility
The Point Rewards Program ("Program") is a free rewards program offered by Strawberrynet to its customers. Membership to the Program ("Membership") is limited to individuals only and is limited to one account per individual. Eligible minors must obtain their parent's or legal guardian's consent prior to participation.
You must have a Strawberrynet account with a password in order to be eligible. New customers who register for an account will be automatically enrolled in the program.
2. Earning and Redeeming Program Rewards
Under the Program, for every dollar spent (as applicable based on country of purchase) on Strawberrynet merchandise online at www.Strawberrynet.com, you will receive 2% of your order value as points. We also offer point rewards events from time to time and in under those circumstances the point rewards offer would apply.
In regions where the smallest unit of currency is 1 (such as Japan, Korea, Indonesia, Chile, Iceland, Taiwan and Iran), points will be rounded up or down to the nearest integer after a customer has Earned them. In other regions, points will be rounded to the nearest first decimal.
You can view your current point balance, as well as any other points activity, in your account page.
Points may be used at checkout towards a purchase on orders of MYR144.75 or more. The retail value of the Reward does not count toward Strawberrynet's free shipping threshold. Points cannot be redeemed for cash and can only be used at checkout towards the value of your purchase. Strawberrynet may, at its own discretion, allow points to be redeemable for other items of merchandise from time to time.
Please note that in regions where the smallest unit of currency is 1, the minimum number of points you can apply to each order is 1. In other regions, the minimum is 0.1 point. Points are applied to your order total after cash coupons and discounts are applied, but before shipping, surcharges, and applicable taxes are calculated.
Please note that it may take up to 24 hours after placing an order for points to be updated in your account. After purchase, accrued points will appear under the Pending category for 7 days. After 7 days, points will become Earned, and may be used towards future purchases.
3. Loyalty Customers
There are different tiers of membership in the Program. Loyalty Customers who opt to upgrade to the new Point Rewards System can do so on their account pages. In addition, they may be eligible for a higher percentage of point rewards, depending on the customer's existing loyalty discount.
Once you upgrade, the Point Rewards Program will replace your existing Loyalty Discount. This upgrade cannot be reversed. Loyalty Customers must opt-in to upgrade in order to start earning points on their purchases.
Strawberrynet may, in its sole discretion, alter, limit, or modify these regulations, benefits, eligibility for membership, or any other feature of the Point Rewards Program at any time in its sole discretion, without prior notice.
4. Order Cancellation
If an item is cancelled from your order, the points accrued from that item will be deducted from your account. It is possible your account could have a negative balance if you do not have enough points in your account because of the item cancellation. If your entire order is cancelled, any points accrued from that order will be deducted from your account. Any points used to purchase the order will also be returned to your account.
5. Point Expiration
All points expire 90 days after they are earned. The current status of all your points can be found in your individual account.
6. Communications with Strawberrynet
By registered an account on Strawberrynet, you agree (or, if you are a minor, your parent or legal guardian agrees) to receive advertising, marketing materials and other communications from Strawberrynet. By signing up to join the Program, you will automatically be subscribed to receive Program emails.
7. Opting Out of Communications with Strawberrynet
If you do not wish to receive these communications, you can request that they be discontinued.
8. Changes, Termination And/Or Removal From Program
Strawberrynet may, in its sole discretion, alter, limit, or modify the Program rules, regulations, benefits, eligibility for Membership, or any other feature of the Program (including assigning any of its obligations to customers under the Program at any time to another person or entity, without recourse) or may terminate the Program any time at its sole discretion, by posting any such changes on the Strawberrynet website. Your continued participation in the program following such changes constitutes your acceptance of the changes.
Strawberrynet reserves the right to exclude individuals from the Program or remove points from a member's account at its sole but reasonable discretion. In particular, any abuse, manipulation or "gaming" of the Program or its rules (as determined by Strawberrynet), failure to follow any terms of the Program, any misrepresentation or any conduct detrimental to the interests of Strawberrynet not otherwise protected by law may subject members to revocation or deduction of points obtained through these abusive or manipulative activities and will affect eligibility for further participation in the Program. If your membership is revoked or otherwise cancelled, any points in your account will automatically expire. Strawberrynet reserves the right to make changes to its Web site and these Terms at any time. It is your responsibility to check or review these Terms from time to time to keep informed of any changes. By joining the Program, you hereby agree to be bound by any such changed Terms.
9. Limitation of Liability
To the fullest extent permitted by law, Strawberrynet will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising out of or in connection with your participation or membership in the program, including damages arising out of changes to or termination of the program. This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, punitive or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property and claims of third parties. By agreeing to these terms, you willingly agree (or, if you are a minor, your parent or legal guardian willingly agrees) that you have relinquished your right to seek these damages from Strawberrynet.
Dikendalikan oleh:-
Strawberry Cosmetics (USA) Ltd. Strawberry Cosmetics (China) Ltd. Strawberry Cosmetics (Australasia) Ltd. Strawberry Cosmetics (Europe) Ltd. Strawberry Cosmetics (Japan) Ltd. Strawberry Cosmetics (International) Ltd. Strawberry Cosmetics (Korea) Ltd. Strawberry Ltd. Payco Berhad. Strawberry Cosmetics (Services) Ltd
All the above companies are based in Hong Kong with address and customer services contact as below:
StrawberryNET Office
12/F Tower B, Manulife Financial Centre
No 223-231 Wai Yip Street
Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
No. Tel. : 852-2591-0300
No. Faks : 852-2811-5138
E-mel : [email protected]