Time to reform the failing Foreign Office
UK Trade and Investments chief Sir Andrew Cahn blamed the fiasco on his Foreign Office paymasters
With startling candour, the man in charge of the quango which the Mail
yesterday disclosed was urging staff to dream up ways of sluicing taxpayers’ cash down the drain has revealed a guilty secret at the heart of Whitehall.
Responding to this paper’s revelation about his organisation, UK Trade and Investments, Sir Andrew Cahn observed: ‘In government, you are criticised as much for not spending your budget as you are for overspending.’ How very revealing.
Sir Andrew went on to heap the entire blame for this fiasco on his Foreign Office paymasters.
In doing so, he’s turned the spotlight on Whitehall’s most senior ministry, amid concerns that wasting cash is only one of its problems.
Under Labour, the FCO did not have a good decade.
It lurched from Robin Cook’s disastrous ‘ethical foreign policy’, to denying the public the promised referendum on the European Constitution, to suppressing evidence of
British connivance in the torture of detainees.
All that was supposed to change when the Coalition came to power.
But Britain’s approach to Europe continues to be one of capitulation
and concession.
We failed to use Angela Merkel’s determination to rewrite the EU Treaty to bring errant Eurozone nations into line as a bargaining counter to demand repatriation of powers to Britain.
And we have meekly gone along with a series of surrenders to Brussels, including a 2.9 per cent increase in the EU budget.
There is little evidence of a new approach to relationships with countries like Zimbabwe, and most significant overseas initiatives – in China and India – have been driven by Downing Street.
The Foreign Secretary William Hague has promised a value-for-money FCO devoted to helping British companies overseas.
And yet the first example we have of this new approach is an institution desperately trying to spend every penny it can.
Clearly, George Osborne’s ten per cent cut in the FCO’s budget was insufficient.
Yesterday, the Mail’s revelation about the way the Foreign Office wants to waste your money sent a shockwave through Whitehall.
The Treasury Chief Secretary wrote to the entire Cabinet warning them against trying the same trick with taxpayers’ money as the Foreign Office.
And the Prime Minister promised to change the culture of ‘shuffling money out the door to meet your budget’.
Fine words – but he has a mountain to climb to persuade Whitehall to deliver on them.
Common sense at last.
Common sense at last
Harsh justice: Dinner lady Carol Hill was sacked for telling the truth
Carol Hill, a school dinner lady, acted as we would all wish anyone looking after our children to act.
She rescued a girl who had been tied to a fence and whipped with a skipping rope by four boys.
Then, when the headteacher misled the child’s parents about what had happened, she told them the truth.
For these crimes, she was sacked, but yesterday – in a rare but welcome outbreak of common sense – an employment tribunal concluded that she had been unfairly dismissed.
Of course, schools need to consider confidentiality, but covering up unpalatable truths in an attempt to make the school look better should never be acceptable.
Carol Hill did the right thing, and should be praised not punished.