Vishnu, Dhoni and the controversial magazine cover: How the shoe remains a fraught entity in our part of the world

An Andhra Pradesh court has issued a warrant against Indian captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni.

His crime: he appeared on the cover of Business Today magazine, photo-shopped as Lord Vishnu.

The story is about the number of endorsements he has under his belt.

A complainant alleges Mahendra Singh  Dhoni (left) has
hurt the feelings of the Hindu community when he
appeared on the cover of Business
Today magazine photoshopped
as Lord Vishnu

A complainant alleges Mahendra Singh Dhoni (left) has hurt the feelings of the Hindu community when he appeared on the cover of Business Today magazine photoshopped as Lord Vishnu

The cover shows Dhoni holding a different product in each hand – a bottle of cola, a mobile phone, engine oil…so far, so good…and a shoe.

Aesthetically speaking, the morphed, many-armed image is an Indian design cliché.

India Today's Hindi edition carried a similar image of Dhoni on the cover, except here he was holding a cricket bat and a trophy.


The complainant alleges Dhoni has hurt the feelings of the Hindu community.

One, it is disrespectful to depict a mortal as Vishnu – a god who is selling products.

Two, the image is even more denigrating because Vishnu is holding a shoe.

Sania Mirza too had a case against her because a photo showed her with her feet up after a match – her shoes were too close to the tricolour.

Let's leave aside for the moment the absurdity of these cases, usually filed by cranks on the flimsiest of pretexts.

The target is a celebrity and the idea to garner some spotlight for oneself.

India, especially ancient rural India, has been described as a barefoot country.

Our gods are barefoot too, except Surya, the sun god, who wears boots.

In the Buddhist period, sandals with straps were common.

Foot hygiene was important.

Venetian explorer Nicolo Conti writes about the 800 bathing houses in Agra that provided foot massages.

Ornate bronze foot scrubbers with ribbed surfaces were used to clean the soles.

Ascetics wore padukas or open toeknob sandals.

Sir Thomas Roe commented on Aurangzeb's shoes: "a pair of buskins embroidered with pearls."

Mochis were considered the lowest of castes because they dabbled in leather, which is the reason why Gandhi, in addition to spinning cloth, also busied himself making shoes.

There is a paradox on how Indian culture approaches feet.

On the one hand, feet are venerated.

We touch our elders' feet; there is the ceremonial washing of the feet of idols.

You beg forgiveness by falling at someone's feet.

In classical erotica, the woman massages her feet with oils and decorates it with red alta, and embellishes them with toe-rings and anklets.

We worship footprints.

Buddhists worship the Bodhi tree under which Buddha got enlightenment and where his footprints, it is believed, still remain, amulets of Vishnu's footprints ward of the evil eye, and we paint Lakshmi's footprints on the ground during Diwali.


At the same time, the feet and the shoe are considered polluting.

We leave our shoes outside the temple, even homes.

A visit to the church, on the other hand, requires you to put on your best pair.

If your feet touches someone else's, you immediately touch the spot where the shoe made contact, then bring the hand to your left eye, and then the right.

Any contact with the lowest part of the body is considered an insult.

And so the summons served on Dhoni – Vishnu holding a shoe is insulting.

The second problem the complainant has in the Dhoni case is that a god is being mixed up with selling products, the shoe being the most abhorrent.

But Hindu gods have always been used in the service of capitalism.

It is in the great tradition.

As art historian Jyotindra Jain points out in Bombay/ Mumbai: Visual Histories of a City, most Bombay-based companies issued multi-chrome single-sheet religious calendars until the end of the 1930s.

The images were selected from pre-existing pictures made by artists like Ravi Varma and Dhurandhar.


Hindustan Lever's Vinolia soap calendar reproduced Varma's Saraswati standing in a lotus pond and playing the vina; the 1933 calendar for Lever's Sunlight soap sports an image for the sun god Surya flanked by two female chauri bearers, and riding his chariot pulled by seven horses; and Woodward's Gripe Water calendars used images of the child Krishna.

An ad for Panama cigarettes on the cover of Film India magazine featured apsaras luxuriating in heaven.

No one took offence.

In fact, as Jain writes, these calendars with Hindu themes were "designed to be framed, put behind glass and worshipped.

These glazed and framed pictures became completed domestic altars wherein the glass not only received ritual vermilion marks, but also acted as a liminal wall between the sacred and the polluted."

In this light, the Business Today cover becomes a harmless play on the very-acceptable calendar art of the last century. The shoe still remains a problem.

Let me conclude with the story of Pakistan's Deputy Attorney General Muhammed Khurshid, who cleaned shoes outside the Golden Temple as "penance for crimes committed by the Taliban."

The All-India Muslim Personal Law Board termed his act 'anti-Islam', and he was sacked for giving Pakistan a 'bad image'.

The lesson: the shoe remains a fraught entity in our part of the world.

Stay away from it.

Best that we still go it barefoot, uncomfortable though it may be.

The writer is the author of The Butterfly Generation