£50,000 plasma TV is world's biggest


It will surely be top of every egotistical Premiership footballer's Christmas list - a TV on which they can watch themselves play life size.

The giant plasma TV

The Panasonic plasma screen - a monstrous 103 inches (8ft 7in) wide - has gone on display at the John Lewis store in London's Oxford Street.

It is claimed to be the world's biggest and costs £50,000 but if you thought that might include installation, think again. It will cost as much as another £5,000 to get the TV, which weighs more than 500lbs, delivered and set up.

It is the only one in Britain and John Lewis does not expect to get many orders. John Kempner, John Lewis's central buyer for vision, said: 'I can't imagine many people will find the room or be able to afford it. It's really there as a statement to show off what plasma technology can do and to say 'this is the ultimate'.'

Asked who he thought were likely buyers, Mr Kempner said: 'It will have to be someone with a huge house with a significant amount of money to spend and probably a home cinema - a Premiership footballer certainly comes to mind.'

The screen takes pride of place among John Lewis's growing range of flat screens - its last traditional cathode ray tube TV was sold almost a year ago. Sales have almost doubled since last year, with the most popular size increasing from 26in last year to 32in this year with the 37in model not far behind. Prices for a 32in screen have come down to between £750 and £1,250.

The Panasonic beats the former world record by an inch but an even bigger TV is expected to be on the market before long. But for anyone hoping to have one in time for Christmas Day, it is already too late. They have to be ordered from Panasonic's factory in Japan and there is a waiting time of at least three months.

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