ALEX BRUMMER: Beware of the trapped bear as the rouble goes into freefall 

President Putin is learning of the awesome power of financial markets the hard way. 

As Britain found in 1992, when the pound was ejected from the exchange rate mechanism, it is almost impossible to take on the markets and win.

Overnight the Russian central bank raised official rates by 6.5 percentage points to 17 per cent in a move reminiscent of Black Wednesday when Norman Lamont, advised by the late Eddie George, stood ready to raise interest rates to 15 per cent in defence of sterling – before deciding to allow it to float freely.

Currency trouble: The bigger danger in the case of Russia is that it leads to some act of military bravado by Putin as displacement activity, says Alex Brummer

Currency trouble: The bigger danger in the case of Russia is that it leads to some act of military bravado by Putin as displacement activity, says Alex Brummer

Initial reaction to the rate rise was to strengthen the rouble. But as the Brent crude price slipped through the $60-a-barrel level, the rouble went back into freefall.

So far the Russian central bank has spent $80billion this year in an effort to stem the devaluation of its currency. It has proved fruitless, despite the fact that the country still has reserves estimated at $416billion.

The next weapon in the Kremlin’s artillery is to impose draconian capital controls preventing investment funds, companies and individuals from shipping currency overseas.

Such measures are generally frowned upon, except in extremis. Russia’s currency troubles have to be watched carefully.

At the time of the last crisis in 1998, it was one of the factors that led to a broader meltdown in emerging markets across the globe from South Africa to Asia.

That brought Gordon Brown’s boom to a temporary halt and led to an embarrassing downgrade of growth numbers.

The bigger danger in the case of Russia is that it leads to some act of military bravado by Putin as displacement activity. After the Crimea and Western Ukraine, the Baltic states fear that they could be next in the line of fire.

That would be very scary.

Efforts: BT chief executive Gavin Patterson

Efforts: BT chief executive Gavin Patterson

Mobile muscle

Gavin Patterson has done the easy bit in alighting on EE, Britain’s biggest mobile network with 35.5 per cent market share, as BT’s route into the smartphone market.

Initial reaction from the stock market has been positive despite the £12.5billion takeout price for EE.

That should not be too surprising. Some three decades after BT was privatised by the Thatcher government the proposed deal looks remarkably like a return to the status quo ante. In the age before mobile and broadband BT had a 90 per cent market share in the UK and challengers like Cable & Wireless were able to offer little resistance.

Now despite all the efforts by Ofcom to introduce competition and open the networks to others, BT’s combination of fixed lines and mobile will, on some calculations, give it a majority of the market. It is not enough to say that the BT of 2014 is very different to that of three decades ago.

It has certainly de-cluttered itself, offers better consumer service and shown admirable initiative in rolling out broadband although rural areas might have a different opinion about that.

But having gone through the process of introducing challenger networks in Britain, and given birth to some of the strongest mobile operators around the globe, the UK should not be willing to sacrifice competition easily.

Sure, the idea of quad-play – offering consumers bundled broadband, TV, mobile and fixed line services – sounds wonderful. No doubt there will be fab cut-price packages, as there are at Virgin Media (now part of John Malone’s Liberty Global), designed to bring in consumers.

Teaser offers must be viewed with suspicion. Once the customer is captured, prices will gradually rise. When BT launched its TV service it promised it free to broadband users. That is unless you are like the tens of thousands of people who work from home and have a small business package that offers greater connectivity.

The truth is that this BT-EE deal is crying out for regulatory intervention. One would expect Ofcom to take a look. But a full blown Competition & Markets Authority probe is called for.

This is too important a deal to go through on the nod.

Bye-bye Zimbabwe

Even a few months ago, who would have believed that Mark Carney would be writing to the Chancellor to explain why inflation had tumbled to 1 per cent.

What is even more remarkable about this is that it has occurred despite the fears of the cod monetarists who predicted that the Bank of England’s burst of printing money, injecting £375billion into the economy, together with the prolonged period of super low interest rates would trigger a mighty inflation.

The point always was that the shrinkage of the UK economy during the Great Recession, the compression of public and private sector pay deals and the paucity of credit in the banking system meant that the absorption capacity of the economy was far greater than expected.

On top of this we now have grocery wars reining in food prices and an oil glut. Less Zimbabwe and more like Japan’s lost decade.


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