CPS to prosecute for government departments in Whitehall cost-cutting exercise

The Crown Prosecution Service is set to take over the role of prosecuting for a series of government departments in cost-cutting measures sweeping Whitehall.

The existing legal arms of the Department for Environment, the Department for Work and Pensions, the Department for Business Innovation and Skills and the Health and Safety Executive are to be abolished.

Currently, each department has its own independent team that brings cases against individuals and corporations which commit offences. The Work and Pensions Department, for example, brings benefit fraud cases to court. 

All change: A Whitehall source has revealed all prosecution work will be merged into one organisation across the Government to improve efficiency

All change: A Whitehall source has revealed all prosecution work will be merged into one organisation across the Government to improve efficiency

But responsibility is to be handed to the CPS. The move, which is expected to be formally announced this summer, will see a swathe of job losses. 

A Whitehall source told The Mail on Sunday: ‘There will be a merging of all prosecution work into one organisation across the Government.

‘The CPS will take over every prosecuting function of the Government over a period of time. The decision has been taken because officials believe it will improve efficiency.’

The Attorney General’s office has been liaising with various government departments over the proposed changes. The source added that there had also been discussions within Whitehall for the CPS to take over the role of prosecuting military cases for the Armed Forces.

A CPS spokesman said last night: ‘The CPS has held exploratory discussions with other government departments regarding the most effective way of delivering future prosecution services. No conclusions have yet been reached.’

A spokesman for the Attorney General’s office said: ‘Some prosecuting departments, although by no means all, are exploring with the CPS whether a transfer of this work makes sense. Any decisions would be for individual departments to announce.’

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