That sinking feeling: The moment the ground opened up and swallowed three cars after burst water main flooded street

  • A burst water main caused a section of road in Port Melbourne to cave in
  • Residents woke to the sound of gushing water at about 2:30 this morning
  • Six homes were flooded and three cars were enveloped by the sinkhole
  •  The main is thought to have been in use since last century

A sinkhole has swallowed three cars and a tree after a water main burst, flooding a street in Port Melbourne early on Tuesday.

Residents in Liardet Street were woken by the sound of gushing water when the main ruptured beneath the street just after 2.30am, flooding six homes and threatening more than fifty surrounding homes.

Police woke some residents to ask them to move their cars as the water rose, creeping ankle-deep into homes.

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Three cars were swallowed by the sinkhole after a water main burst and flooded a Port Melbourne street early this morning

Three cars were swallowed by the sinkhole after a water main burst and flooded a Port Melbourne street early this morning

One resident and witness, Vanessa, said she woke thinking there was a robbery, then a Tsunami. 

'I heard car horns, car alarms going off erratically. I thought someone had broken into my car,' she told Fairfax radio.

'I went out there, opened up my front door and saw two cars swallowed up in the street right outside my front door and all this water gushing down the street in front of me.

'I thought, "Oh no, we've got a tsunami"' 

Water workers were able to turn off eight valves to stop the supply from what is thought to be a very old main. 

The force of the water reportedly eroded the street's foundations, causing the giant hole.

The damage caused by the burst main  in Liardet Street, Port Melbourne early today

The damage caused by the burst main in Liardet Street, Port Melbourne early today

Sunk: Three cars were lost to a sinkhole which opened up after the pipe burst 

Sunk: Three cars were lost to a sinkhole which opened up after the pipe burst 

Witnesses snapped the sinkhole on social media

Witnesses snapped the sinkhole on social media

Clean up continues in Port Melbourne, after a burst water main caused part of Liardet Street to collapse and flooded homes

Clean up continues in Port Melbourne, after a burst water main caused part of Liardet Street to collapse and flooded homes


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