A spike in sensations? Adorable hedgehog named Pickles can't stop smelling everything on his very first time outside 

  • Pickles was captured on video turning himself in a circle as he became overwhelmed with the new scents
  • He then stops and lifts his nose high in the air to concentrate on the smells 
  • Hedgehogs are primarily nocturnal but Pickles looked plenty excited in the new environment

Going outside is something most of us take for granted every day, but for one adorable little hedgehog it was a whole new world. 

Hedgehogs are primarily nocturnal animals, but Pickles was plenty excited as the sun shone down on him in the lush green grass. 

Pickles was captured on video turning himself in a circle, his nose going the whole time, as he tried to take in the new surroundings.  

This is the adorable moment Pickles the hedgehog went outside for the very first time 

This is the adorable moment Pickles the hedgehog went outside for the very first time 

He then stopped and lifted his nose high in the air as he tried to concentrate on the new scents hitting him from every direction. 

'Look he's so confused, he has no idea what's going on,' the man behind the camera can be heard telling his friend. 

'This may actually be the first time he's been outside. Look at that nose go.' 

User Gavin Lusk posted the video on YouTube, where it has already been viewed almost 5,000 times. 

Lusk wrote in the video's description that Pickles' brain 'sort of exploded' as he was confronted with all the new smells of the outside world.    

Pickles was captured on video turning himself in a circle, his nose going the whole time, as he tried to take in the new surroundings
'Look he's so confused, he has no idea what's going on,' the man behind the camera can be heard telling his friend

Pickles was captured on video turning himself in a circle, his nose going the whole time, as he tried to take in the new surroundings

Hedgehogs are primarily nocturnal animals, but Pickles was plenty excited as the sun shone down on him in the lush green grass

Hedgehogs are primarily nocturnal animals, but Pickles was plenty excited as the sun shone down on him in the lush green grass

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