Liberal MP forced to apologise after miming a 'w*****' sign with his hands at an MP from his OWN party during parliament

  • WA Health Minister Kim Hames made gesture at Liberal MP Rob Johnson
  • He apologised after Labor party members labelled the gesture 'disgusting' 
  • Johnson was admonished by the Speaker for digressing from key subject 

The WA Health Minister is in hot water after making a lewd hand gesture to one his MPS during a tumultuous sitting day in parliament.

Minister Kim Hames made the gesture, which involved him curling his hand in a circle and moving it up and down, at Liberal MP Rob Johnson while Mr Johnson was criticising the health minister's performance.

The Deputy Premier of Western Australia was forced to apologise after several people who witnessed the 'disgraceful' gesture called for him to consider his conduct.

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The WA Health Minister Kim Hames, who is in hot water after making a lewd hand gesture to on one his MP's

The WA Health Minister Kim Hames, who is in hot water after making a lewd hand gesture to on one his MP's

Labor MP Tony Buti demanded Dr Hames apologise for the 'disgraceful' gesture, to which he replied 'You were right and I apologise.'

Mr Johnson was later captured mimicking the gesture made by Dr Hames while asking him 'what was that gesture you made?...That is disgraceful.'

The MP was speaking at a committee report into the commissioning of the controversial $2 billion Fiona Stanley Hospital, which was stripped of its medical service provider Serco.

Committee chairman Graham Jacobs said the committee maintained that Serco should never have been given the surgical equipment sterilisation contract at the hospital.

Serco was stripped of the contract in April after surgical equipment was returned contaminated, in at lease one case with bone fragments still attached.

Members gave damning accounts of multiple issues at the hospital, including flaws in self-reporting, endemic understaffing and contract failings.

Liberal MP Rob Johnson mimics the gesture which was made at him by Minister Kim Hames in parliament

Liberal MP Rob Johnson mimics the gesture which was made at him by Minister Kim Hames in parliament