ABC apologises after 'unfortunate mistake' sees it accidentally link to hardcore pornography on its Twitter account

  • The tweet from ABC's The Drum was meant to link to the Heart Foundation
  • But by omitting the letter 't' they linked to a hard core porn account
  • The ABC has apologised for any offence caused by the error
  • Liberal senator Cory Bernardi said we should expect better from the ABC

The ABC has issued an apology after accidentally linking to hardcore pornography from one of their Twitter accounts.

The tweet on the ABC's opinion website The Drum was supposed to link to the Heart Foundation - but by mistakenly omitting the letter 't' in the post they linked to an account laden with pornographic imagery.

Liberal senator Cory Bernardi has slammed the national broadcaster for the embarrassing error, which was deleted on Wednesday morning after social media users brought it to their attention.

A tweet on the ABC’s website The Drum accidentally linked to an account laden with pornographic imagery

A tweet on the ABC's website The Drum accidentally linked to an account laden with pornographic imagery

The tweet from @ABCthedrum was intended to acknowledge the Heart Foundation's decision to abandon its trademark 'tick,' - used to advise Australians about healthy food choices.

But when they tweeted 'Finally we jump to the @HeartAus's decision to say goodbye to the 'Tick' after 26 years,' instead of tweeting @HeartAust the omission of the 't' sent readers to an account linked to user 'Love Aussie C***.'

The ABC told Daily Mail Australia they have extensive social media procedures in place but this particular error went unnoticed.

'While the intent of this particular post was clear, an unfortunate mistake was made and the ABC apologises for any offence caused.'

The tweet from @ABCthedrum was intended to acknowledge the Heart Foundation's decision to abandon its trademark ‘tick' - but they accidentally ommitted the letter 't' 

The tweet from @ABCthedrum was intended to acknowledge the Heart Foundation's decision to abandon its trademark 'tick' - but they accidentally ommitted the letter 't' 

Liberal senator Cory Bernardi has slammed the national broadcaster for the embarrassing blunder

Liberal senator Cory Bernardi has slammed the national broadcaster for the embarrassing blunder

Liberal senator Cory Bernardi told Daily Mail Australia it was ironic that the ABC made the error as the media often lambaste politicians for doing the same thing.

'People stuff up on social media all the time. But if ABC are happy to slam us over it, it's only fair we can do the same,' he said.

'They have a billion dollar budget and thousands of staff, and I think with this in mind we can expect better from them than links to pornography.'

It comes after Mr Bernardi last month accidentally tweeted a quote from Kevin Alfred Strom - an American white-supremacist charged with child pornography offences - and accredited it to classic French philosopher Voltaire


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