Don't rush him: Chilled out Bullmastiff lumbers his way slowly through dog agility contest - and audience loves it

  • Zeus the Bullmastiff was in no hurry to finish the obstacle course at the dog show in Denver
  • He walked so slowly around the course that the audience began cheering and laughing
  • Still, he managed to finish the course and only knocked over one bar

One dog was man's slowest friend at a dog show in Denver, Colorado.

The male Bullmastiff, named Zeus according to Digg, was competing in an agility obstacle course that was being timed and that usually sees dogs zipping around the field, ducking quickly into tubes, and jumping sprightly over poles.

Zeus was having none of it - this was one pooch was not in a rush.

As the handler clapped and tried to urge him on to a pace slightly faster than molasses in January, Zeus's body language could only be described as 'chill, bud.'

The very unimpressed dog was competing at the Rocky Mountain Cluster Dog Show at The National Western Complex in Denver, Colorado. Video of the crowd favorite was uploaded last year by Hans Watson to YouTube but has just started to gain more attention.

'No sense making a semi go at Ferrari speed!!' commented one viewer on Facebook. 

'The thoughtful approach,' agreed another.

Zeus completed the run and only knocked over one bar - so his laid back demeanor seems to have worked for him. 

After all, this was about agility, not speed. And something says this dog wouldn't care if it was about speed. 

Lollygagging: Zeus walked slow as a sloth through the agility poles, snaking through them like molasses, but never knocking any over 

Lollygagging: Zeus walked slow as a sloth through the agility poles, snaking through them like molasses, but never knocking any over 

Doing the bare minimum: Zeus did leap over every jumping bar, but he showed precisely no enthusiasm for it

Doing the bare minimum: Zeus did leap over every jumping bar, but he showed precisely no enthusiasm for it

What's your hurry? Zeus pays no mind to the handler trying to hurry him through the poles

What's your hurry? Zeus pays no mind to the handler trying to hurry him through the poles

Ugh, now I have to jump? It's amazing that with Zeus's lethargic gait that he was actually able to propel himself enough into the air to clear the bar

Ugh, now I have to jump? It's amazing that with Zeus's lethargic gait that he was actually able to propel himself enough into the air to clear the bar

I guess since it's THERE: Zeus would walk slowly up to the bar and then push over it with the least amount of energy expended 

I guess since it's THERE: Zeus would walk slowly up to the bar and then push over it with the least amount of energy expended 



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