Tech whiz, 10, is awarded $10,000 from Facebook after he exposes flaw in Instagram

  • Jani, 10-year-old Finnish boy, found a way to delete other users' comments
  • He emailed Instagram, which thanked him for discovering the bug
  • Facebook, which owns Instagram, awarded Jani $10,000 for his work
  • The boy learned how to hunt for bugs by watching YouTube videos
  • He says he plans to use some of the money to buy a new bicycle 

A 10-year-old Finnish boy was rewarded $10,000 by Facebook after finding a major flaw in the company's Instagram application. 

The boy, who was identified as Jani, discovered a way to access Instagram's servers and delete text posted by users, the Finnish news site Iltalehti reported. 

Jani told the news site he emailed Instagram after finding the flaw, and that he received a response after a few days saying the bug had been fixed. 

Mark Zuckerberg, whose Facebook company acquired Instagram in 2012, awarded a Finnish boy $10,000 for finding a flaw in the photo-sharing application 

Mark Zuckerberg, whose Facebook company acquired Instagram in 2012, awarded a Finnish boy $10,000 for finding a flaw in the photo-sharing application 

The 10-year-old Finnish boy Jani said he could delete anyone's Instagram comments - even Justin Bieber's

The 10-year-old Finnish boy Jani said he could delete anyone's Instagram comments - even Justin Bieber's

As a thank you, he was paid $10,000 as part of Facebook's bug bounty program. Facebook acquired Instagram in 2012. 

Jani told Iltalehti he would have been able to delete anyone's Instagram comments - even Justin Bieber's.  

Jani's father said he was impressed and surprised by his son's discovery. The young tech whiz, who learned how to search for bugs by watching YouTube videos, said he plans to use the money to buy a new bike. 

Through its bug bounty program, Facebook has received over 2,400 valid submission and awarded more than $4.3 million in payouts since 2011, the company wrote in a recent release.

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