'They're destroying Europe – I'm not going to let that happen to the United States' Trump doubles down on non-citizen Muslim ban

  • During Donald Trump's victory lap this morning, the Republican presumptive nominee remained consistent on the Muslim ban 
  • 'I don't care if it hurts me,' he told the hosts of Morning Joe 
  • The proposal to ban all non-American Muslims from entering the United States was first floated in December after the San Bernardino attack
  • Hillary Clinton's campaign is already hitting Trump on the ban, using it a fundraising email this morning
  • For more of the latest Donald Trump news visit www.dailymail.co.uk/trump

Presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump doubled down on his call to ban non-American Muslims from entering the United States even if the stance causes problems going forward in the general election. 

'They're destroying Europe, I'm not going to let that happen to the United States,' Trump said this morning during an interview on Morning Joe. 

The Donald was taking a victory lap after his chief rival, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, threw in the towel last night after a disappointing showing in Indiana. 

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Donald Trump handily won Indiana last night ensuring that he would become the Republican nominee as chief rival Sen. Ted Cruz dropped out. Ohio Gov. John Kasich will drop out later today 

Donald Trump handily won Indiana last night ensuring that he would become the Republican nominee as chief rival Sen. Ted Cruz dropped out. Ohio Gov. John Kasich will drop out later today 

This morning, during Donald Trump's victory lap, he doubled down on a controversial policy to ban all non-American Muslims from entering the United States 

This morning, during Donald Trump's victory lap, he doubled down on a controversial policy to ban all non-American Muslims from entering the United States 

Ohio Gov. John Kasich is expected to suspend his campaign later today.  

That leaves the brash billionaire the only man standing on the Republican side, with six months to wage battle on the likely Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, who – despite Bernie Sanders' win in Indiana last night – has an almost insurmountable delegate lead. 

Generally, in politics, the nominee will shed off some of his positions that are more in line with the party's base in order to be palatable to the general public. 

But on the Muslim ban, which is likely Trump's most controversial position, he's not budging.

'I don't care if it hurts me,' he told hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski. 'I'm doing the right thing.' 

'I've been guided by common sense, by what's right,' he continued. 

'We have to be careful. We're allowing thousands of people to come into our country,' he said. 'Thousands and thousands of people being placed all over the country that, frankly, nobody knows who they are.' 

'We don't know what we're doing,' he added. 

Trump originally pulled out the idea in the aftermath of the San Bernardino terror attacks in which two ISIS sympathizers gunned down 14 at an office holiday celebration. 

'Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on,' a statement from the Trump campaign read. 

Trump later clarified that he meant Muslims who weren't citizens of the United States. 

Even though Trump was criticized by many Republicans, including rivals like former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and former Vice President Dick Cheney, he stood firm. 

While Clinton is not yet her party's presumptive nominee, the former secretary of state's campaign already bashed Trump today on his support of the Muslim ban.

'Trump is going to be the Republican nominee,' said a fundraising letter signed by Clinton's deputy communications director Christina Reynolds. 

'And if he wins the White House, he could erect a wall on the Mexican border, put women in jail for having abortions, and ban Muslims from coming to our country – and those are just some of the ideas we know about so far,' she wrote. 

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